Why do I get so shy when my boyfriend compliments me or says I love u?

My boyfriend isn’t really the affectionate type and neither am I but he tries to display affectionate more often sometimes so it comes as a surprise to me when I least expect it so i don’t usually have the best response to it. So I ended up giggling cuz it caught me by surprise and i just can’t process what to respond with yet. He knows I struggle with showing emotions cuz of my past trauma and he said he’s ok with this and he understands and he can wait until I get there since I’m working on it but he said something that’s making me think that he’s not totally okay with it. He called me a wall i know it was a joke but we all know that jokes sometimes are the truth so he literally said “ you’re like a wall but that’s ok that’s my fate” and another time he made a joke about me being cold and said “ say something cold to me, you’re good at being cold” I tend to overthink stuff like that so I talked to him about it if that’s how he actually feels and he said that I should stop overthinking it and it’s nothing but I don't know. I just don’t know how to fast this process of being able to reciprocate that same level of affection without making him feeling like he’s the only one trying or I’m like all those things he said. I mean I do not blame him for saying that but those words hits different coming from him.

Why do I get so shy when my boyfriend compliments me or says I love u?
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