Would you be annoyed at this as well?

So I make healthy snacks that can be really expensive to make, awhile ago my boyfriend would ask me for some since it seemed like he liked them as well as his coworker really liked them. This would be almost an every other week thing roughly. So once he stopped working with her he stopped asking for it and it seemed like he never really liked them because if he did I feel like he would still ask for them even though he’s not working with her at the time.

A couple months ago I gave him some without him even asking, he brought it to work and as always he says his coworker really likes them and last time he had them he complained how messy they were. Now all of a sudden since he is working with his coworker again and he told me his coworker asked for a fresh batch of them.

If it’s once or twice of asking for them then sure no problem I’d give it to him, but my problem is he didn’t ask for them for himself and it’s been more than twice where he would ask for them for his coworker to have.

i gave him the recipe so if his coworker (s) wanted to have some they can make them

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