What would you consider a bitter baby mama?


Recently my daughters grandparents on her dads side reached out asking for pictures of her and they asked to ft time her. I try to stay as level headed as possible when it comes to their requests but I can’t help but feel angry at them and want to ignore any further contact. It’s so bizarre that they’re not involved especially since they’re super religious.

Some back story to this situation:

* They have only seen her once when she was 3 months old because I allowed them to come over to my home and was providing for all of us while their son was unemployed.

*They knew their son was abusive towards me and tried to gaslight me into thinking I was at fault/they knew he cheated on me during pregnancy (bought his side a bday gift when we share a birthday week) and never contacted me when I went to all the appts alone. Found out after gave birth.

* They never called for my daughters first birthday or any holidays.

*Currently have no contact with their son due to safety issues/law enforcement was involved. The pics were to make their son a picture from for his office/ft was just to read her a story.

Would you say I’m bitter if I chose to just focus on my daughter and teach her that people who are family shouldn’t do that and it’s ok to cut people out of your life even if they’re blood relatives?

What would you consider a bitter baby mama?
7 Opinion