It's 2024, does bodycount still matter to you? If yes, how will it affect your present and future? If no, do you care to know about past experiences?

So its 2024 and I keep hearing that questions about bodycount and details of past experiences is still very much important among a range of folks. Interesting to know what GAGs have of an opinion?

As for myself and my wife, I told early on that I was rebellious as a youth and she said she had number of encounters. That was literally the end of the conversation. We didn't care to know of each others body counts nor names or other information about past experiences. We both were on the same page as to where we stand today, and our goals of the future.

We been married two years now and along the way questions about the past has surfaced but we have been totally opened and transparent about it. No answers of experiences have bothered us.

It's 2024, does bodycount still matter to you? If yes, how will it affect your present and future? If no, do you care to know about past experiences?
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