What if someone on the spectrum can’t move past rejection the same way a neurotypical does?


Like most normal people can just say ok the relationship wasn’t right for me but people on the spectrum it becomes a part of them. They fully invest themselves in it because they only let people in their lives who they care deeply about. They have very heightened emotions and they are very intense. People will say you have to move past this or you will find someone better but this has been my state for over a full year now with each day seeming fresh as when it first happened so is this the new normal just a permanent down state and questioning why when for a second when my life seems like it’s normal it dissolves just to drop me into the same lonely life I had before the relationship. People also say do therapy but the thing is therapy helps if the relationship didn’t turn into a special interest. Special interests are the lifeblood to autistic people it pushes them forward without special interests autistic people are lost and don’t feel like they have an identity which is essentially the spot I have been In for a while now.

What if someone on the spectrum can’t move past rejection the same way a neurotypical does?
5 Opinion