Talking about past relationships / hookups

Its happened to me a few times were a girl I'm interested in, and may be interested in me, tells me about their past relationships and or hookups.

In one case a girl who I had been hanging out with pretty frequently had a tendency to hook up with other guys at parties we were both at. And if she hooked up with someone at a party I wasn't at she would always make sure I somehow found out. Even going as far to tell me about hookups nobody else knew about, including her closest friends. I never really understood that, but took it to mean that at the very least she wasn't interested in me. It wasn't til one of my girl friends said that some girls might try something like that to try and make a guy jealous, that I doubted my initial conclusion.

More recently a girl I think might like me gave me a rundown of all of her past relationships without me asking or us being on the subject of relationships. Normally I would see this as a sign, but for reasons I won't go into here, its hard for me to imagine that she sees me as more than a friend.

Is talking about past relationships or hookups with someone, who isn't that close of a friend or not the type of friend you would confide that sort of thing to, a sign of interest on the part of the girl?
Talking about past relationships / hookups
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