Should single people actively seek out a relationship, a significant other?

especially if they wish they had someone?

Put in other words, do you think that people who wish to have someone, should go out of their way and actively look for someone by creating for themselves as many opportunities as possible?

Or do you think that it's better for anyone who is single to focus on themselves, to do what they love the most and let love find them?

I was having this disagreement with my sister about this. I'm 22, she's 18. I've never had a boyfriend or been asked out. I'm currently focusing on the most important stuff, though I'd like having someone. And because of my priorities, I don't go out that much or else..

She was saying how I ought to go out and meet more people, go to parties if I wanted to find someone. I was trying to explain to her that my time is kind of precious and that either way, finding someone wasn't a "quest". That you're most likely to meet and fall for someone when it's unexpected, not because you want it so much.

Do you think I'm wrong in my opinion. Which attitude towards love do you have?
Yes, seeking someone actively is the best way to find him/her
No, as they say "don't look for love and it will find you"
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+1 y
Thanks to all of you for your answers.

Actually I wasn't implying that one should stay home, sit on the couch and wait for things to happen. Of course, this behavior is a sure fire way to remain alone.

But neither do I think that forcing oneself to meet more and more people just so you can find someone is a better alternative.

You then put a lot of pressure on yourself (just like when a goal has to be reached) and being single becomes an issue.

+1 y
I'd rather invest time in doing the things I love, and focus on the things I can control and that depend solely on me. And then if I happen to find someone while doing so, it's all great.

Besides it seems to also be a psychological thing that if you look for love, then you will find it in anyone, which can make one more likely to be in an "abusive" relationship
Should single people actively seek out a relationship, a significant other?
13 Opinion