What's a good way to gauge his interest level without scaring him way?

I met this guy online and we clicked instantly. Spend hours a day texting until we met, and had the most amazing first date. Shortly after we scheduled a second date, and I'll admit it was a little different. We were at his place and although it was still fun and ended up in him kissing me and us making out, I was definitely a lot more nervous because I was surprised by how in to him I was already and I'm a little off my dating game. Anyways, from then on his texts got more sporadic, less engaging, and just not like they use to be. When I mentioned hanging out again he said "we'll figure it out" cause he's busy with work for the next week and that's his main priority right now, and that he's also new to dating and just wants to take things slow and see where it goes. Now, to me this sounded like a blow-off. However, he texted me the very next day, albeit still without the same "enthusiasm" as before. Two days passed and he texted me again so see how I was feeling when he learned I was sick. I'm just left confused by where his interest lies, and am wondering what the best way to approach this is?
What's a good way to gauge his interest level without scaring him way?
1 Opinion