What I look for in a husband and find attractive

Once again, who asked for this? Nobody. Not a single flippin person. But here we go lovelies! <3 I just thought I'd do this bc I'm bored...
6 19

The Prince Charming Factor

Important note: This myTake can be controversial since it can be misunderstood. I'm NOT saying every single good guy or nice man is...
15 49

The utter incompetence with which many people view relationships.

This shouldn't take too long. Regarding dating/relationships, how many times have we heard or seen the phrase, "If he/she really loves...
4 9

Who would be an ideal mate for me?

I have seen my takes and questions here talking and asking about what guys or girls look for in a partner. Members have tried to inform...
15 4

Where Do I Begin...

I don't know how to start this. I only know what I want to say, but I don't want my words and thoughts to be all over the place....
1 5

The REAL secret to happiness - better than the Rhonda Byrne’s secret - Christian Talk

You ever hear about a rich house wife who is able to take baths in French champagne and yet hates her marriage and attempts suicide? How...
3 10

1000 Life Hacks: Relationships

I did a mytake about 1000 life hacks themed advice recently. I thought that a relationship themed one would work perfectly for girls ask...
7 4

Why does my boyfriend rarely share his feelings?

these have been dating for 3 months, the longest relationship he has been in prior is a month or two and for me was 2 years. This one is...

My ex texted me does she still miss me?

She’s deployed to Kuwait in January but she said she’s not mentally ok and stuff haven’t seen her in 3 months but she stills texts me...

Girls, I need to text this girl that I like again, can someone tell me what I should say?

(Before you answer I'm not moving on I'm doing this so either help me or skip the question) So I had a crush on two girls we'll call...

Are men to be the authority in a romantic (hetero) relationship? Why or why not?

All things back to this idea that folks have about a woman’s duty to submit (whether they are religious or not) to their husbands....

I found a birthday card from another girl at my boyfriend’s house?

I stay over at my boyfriends place a lot, and this morning while he was at work, I went to return a book he let me borrow to the...

Is "unconditional love" stupid?

Is the idea of loving someone just because of who they are stupid. I think you love someone because of the interactions you have...

Do you believe bisexual people are more likely to cheat?

Feel free to elaborate on thought opinion
18 38

Do you think people who keep getting into toxic relationships, do so because of their own bad choices or is it just continuous bad luck?

Most of us have come across people who again and again end up with toxic men and women when it comes to relationships, and complain all...
11 15

Would you get matching tattoos with your partner?

Not necessarily each other's name/initials, but something that represents both of you/your relationship?
23 46

Do you believe modern love is boring?

I watch this video from a blooger and he is a man. He said this: " " Todays love is so boring. Everyone trying to feel less as much...
11 32

Which tyoe of dere is your favorite?

Deres are archatypes for anime characters that are made for the viewer to find atractive, the archatypes refer to personalities, so they...
0 2

Who do you trust more: boys or girls?

I trust girls more because they're usually more kind, plus all of the male friends I've had have betrayed my trust. But what about you?

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