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myTakes: Relationships

If you don’t want to be “taken from”, just stay single

Note: I understand if you don’t want to read the whole post, don’t read it then. But if you haven’t read the whole thing and therefore do not know what the post is about, do not respond. This post is being made in...

Depression and relations.

Depression We can be positive as much as we want, but things that we can't even think about suddenly come to the fore, we don't know. One shock, everything will be destroyed and a good person will become a victim of...

What does a woman need in a relationship?

1. What does a woman want in a relationship? In a relationship, a woman wants to be loved, appreciated, respected and a woman wants to be treated right romantically. She wants a partner who is supportive, who understands...

Touching to a woman - Love 💕 Feeling or Passion.

Touching a woman is also an art, a woman knows how to distinguish a touch. She knows that she is touched with love, touched with feeling, touched with passion. A woman does not forget any touch. Touch the body in the...

Unconditional Love Does Not Exist!

Unconditional Love Doesn't Exist! Prove It... Okay I Will Parent and Child Example: Parents love THEIR son and not other people's son. Parents love their kids because they are THEIR kids. That is Love based...

The Importance of a Woman in Her Man's Life, and How She Can be a Better Partner for Him!

Disclaimer: Whatever is stated below was written under the assumption of a proper, functioning relationship. Without further ado, here is: The importance of a woman in her man's life, and how she can be a better partner...

Women, Don't Try To Change Him, He'll Change Himself If He Loves You

Someone asked me about a week ago how did men change after being marred for many years. So I thought about this long for a bit and I couldn't come up with a clear answer at that moment. So after some thinking and jotting...

Pain helps you grow: Why heartbreak heals!

You never think it will happen to you but the reality is at some point in your life you will experience heartbreak. Whether it's your girlfriend dumps you, your husband cheats on you, your dog dies or you and your best...

For anyone wondering what it means to be sensitive

Whether you are a guy who girls have told you that they prefer sensitive men, or you're a girl who already knows you are sensitive, or you have always simply assumed that you were shy, here is a useful book for you to...

Signs you're dealing with a narcissist

Narcissist, or even sociopath, are words that have been used excessively, and sometimes recklessly, in recent years. Not everyone you disagree with or dislike is a narcissist or a toxic person, however here are signs...

Women with double standards

YES please don't get me wrong there are plenty of men out there too. I will also be clear I am NOT talking about all or even most women who are out there. If you come here calling me a sexist when really I am calling out...

Why I Won't Room Share with Other People

Here are 4 major reasons why I refuse to room share with other people once I have a full-time job. If you are interested or curious, I invite you to read my take. 1. I Don't Want My Sleep to be Disrupted by a Person Who...

Going through it all, just to be strangers again. A letter to the one who mattered the most.

I met you in my dreams last night. I looked at you from a distance, and you smiled right back at me. Something about you felt like home. You whispered to me “where have you been?”, to which I replied “I’m sorry I was...

Can a Guy Be the Prize in a Relationship?

First consider how different types of relationships work. In a traditional relationship, the guy PROVIDES things to the woman in exchange for loyalty/respect, her having kids. But mostly it's all being provided by him....
At Home

How I got caught up in this situation. Falling in love and possibly the wrong person.

Hello today I’m going to talk about how I got into this situation. 2021 I had dreamed of a guy coming into my life, he had blond hair, blue eyes, he had the kindest personality, he loved kids and a plus was in my dream...
At Home

Don’t fight your feelings, instead show your feelings!

Hello, I would like to add to my take about my manager. Don’t fight your feelings, show your married man/woman how you feel, if he’s your manager be careful, showing them how you feel is easier than pulling them aside,...

The "Friend Zone" and what "Just Friends" Means To A Man

Friend Zone- A situation in which a friendship exists between two people, one of whom has an unreciprocated romantic or sexual interest in the other. "I always wind up in the friend zone, watching them pursue other...

The differences between men and women; Emotional needs and expressivity in a relationship

I decided to post this mytake after reading this question by @ KrakenAttackin. Ladies, when you say you want a man who is "emotionally available", WTF do you really mean? This made me think not just about emotional...

My experience from finding a foreign boyfriend on a dating app...

Last year at school... I didn't have many friends, I was a lonely girl who wouldn't go out very often, but still a romantic person with a kind heart. In fact, loneliness killed me. My life sucked. I had chosen to withdraw...

To My Unhappily Single Mates ❤️

Things People Ignore While Desperately Wanting A Romantic Relationship : To the unhappily single people out there, here. (1) your insecurities are amplified : Unless you've received education from same sex school where...