Why everyone should participate in Ramadan even if you are not Muslim

Why everyone should participate in Ramadan even if you are not Muslim

I am not Muslim myself and maybe I am being biased since both my parents are though. However I still practice the physical aspects of fasting though and here is why. Also I am going to explain why I think everyone should as well even if you are an atheist. You could argue how you don't need starving yourself to realize there are hungry poor people in the world, but it makes a huge difference when you experience it yourself. With this Ramadan being the hardest this decade being 17-18 hours before you can break your fast, I feel it's a good time to bring up this topic now.

5. It makes you sympathies towards the starving poor

Why everyone should participate in Ramadan even if you are not Muslim

I think we can all agree that sometimes we need to be reminded of something we experienced to become sympathetic towards it again. For those who don't know fasting in Ramadan is way harder than passover. You can't eat or drink until after sunset. Which is during the Maghrib prayer which is after sunset. There are five prayers in Islam. This is why the Prophet Muhammad wanted people who were fortunate enough to fast. If you wanna go a step further you do charities to a certain percent everyday for those 30 days or so when Ramadan ends. Really it's not that bad technically speaking you are only skipping one meal a day, it's just that between that time there is a big interval.

4. It teaches giving to the poor

Why everyone should participate in Ramadan even if you are not Muslim

Whether this is giving money or food, both are mandatory. Zakat is just how you say charity in Arabic. I know it's obvious that you can learn about giving to charity without a religious book. That's common sense. It's still nice though to have a religion that tells you to give to people who don't have that kind of wealth. Gluttony is a sin even in Christianity. The charity you are required to give is only 2.5%. It's a rational amount and more than fair in my opinion. If everybody gave that much though there would be a lot less starving children and adults in the world. It's argued how much charity to give, but this is what most Muslim scholars have decided.

3. It gives you a better understanding of how hard Ramadan is/helps you lose weight

Why everyone should participate in Ramadan even if you are not Muslim

I am not asking to do it for the whole 30 days. Just try it out for one day and you will really appreciate and hopefully respect how difficult it is. Really what's going hungry without food or water for 17-18 hours compared to starving children and adults in other parts of the world for weeks sometimes months without food and water? The more you do it the more your body will get used to it and will become easier and easier. On top of that it's a great way to help you lose weight.

2. It brings you closer to your family and community

Why everyone should participate in Ramadan even if you are not Muslim

I am sure there are people out there who don't need this to have them get closer and spend more time with their family even non intermediate families. Such as aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparent's, nephews, nieces, etc. I'll admit knowing the Muslim and overall middle eastern culture well since I grew up in it not all Muslims do this either. Even if it's only for one month that it brings you closer to the community and family it's still nice. I am aware that there are plenty of events that are like this as well in the west. Such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, etc. Trust me I am being non biased here as sad as it is to say the middle eastern community has become like this too. Even towards their own family relatives, by giving each other the cold shoulder. Even though we should always be like this that is not the case so Ramadan helps adhere to that a little bit and brings people closer to one another.

1. It makes you appreciate the food and water you have

Why everyone should participate in Ramadan even if you are not Muslim

It's sad to believe but many parts of the world don't have water or they don't have clean enough water to drink at least. Their water is too dirty. It's a small thing that we take for granted, but it would be such a unpleasant thing to not have. Just imagine those water pipeline breaks that you get every once in awhile in your town and no water comes from any of the drains in your house. I am sure this has happened in your local area at least once in a while. How about when the water is not good to drink in your sink and your local news station tells not to drink because it has been tainted. Well imagine that, but a million times worse in these other countries, because they suffer through that everyday of every year.

People usually criticize things they don't understand. Let's try and be more understanding of each other.
Why everyone should participate in Ramadan even if you are not Muslim

Thanks for reading this mytake. By the way not everybody who is Muslim has to fast. God is a reasonable understanding person according to Islam. If you have diabetes you are excused from it, a child, or you yourself are suffering in poverty. There are other exceptions as well.

How can you not appreciate what you have after seeing this picture ^
How can you not appreciate what you have after seeing this picture ^
Why everyone should participate in Ramadan even if you are not Muslim
Post Opinion