I combined my idea with astrology! These are the 13 Codes of Heaven

I combined my idea with astrology! These are the 13 Codes of Heaven

The 13 Laws of the Stars

Pisces = Don’t conceal your moral or social limits from your friends

Aquarius = Don’t discredit, shame or mock an authority figure

Capricorn = Don’t be a leech but serve and give to your church, your family and your friends

Sagittarius = Don’t employ labour or power imbalances in your romantic engagements

Ophiuchus = Don’t judge others

Scorpio = Protect the privacy and personal family interests of your bosses by maintaining social boundaries

Libra = Don’t mock those of unfortunate backgrounds or deny the difficulties of others

Virgo = Don’t think evil thoughts towards others by imposing your own bias on them

Leo = Don’t hurt people’s feelings or dismiss the emotional suffering of your social allies

Cancer = Don’t rebel against your family except to practicing detachment towards their gods and their evils

Gemini = Don’t treat anybody like a sex object but regard everybody as a brother and sister or close companion or distant relative

Taurus = Don’t be lazy

Aries = Don’t degrade a stupid or ignorant person but know some are ruled by factors outside their influence

I combined my idea with astrology! These are the 13 Codes of Heaven
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