Search Results: my ex talks to me everyday

Passing Women's Tests Continued

Before listing some specific, common tests women use its important to say that the easiest way to "pass" all these tests is something that women have been telling men all along, to "be yourself". Since we already said...

Part 2: Nice Guys Aren't Actually Nice

So keep in mind, this is the same exact "nice guy" that you all completely roasted my ass about while victimizing him in the last take. Despite all of that though, I did my best to give him another shot because of course...

My 14 Impulsive Behavior That Ruined A Relationship and A Guy's Interest Before Anything Even Started

Why am I writing this? I am writing this myTake as I am trying to find someone online and through friends to have a healthy relationship, to settle down with, and to have kids at the age of 27 as all my peers and close...

Things Guys Should Know About Girls

There have been many questions browsing through here, from guys asking something along the lines of "What should us guys know about you girls?" The confused male species is getting worse, they are reduced to begging under...

Do Negative Election Campaigns Work?

Introduction: I am sure "Negative Campaigning" has been around for a long time going back to the political contests of ancient civilisations. The earliest reference on the Wikipedia page is the 1828 US Presidential...

I Survived: How I Overcame My Abusive Relationship

*Trigger warning contains talk about abusive relationships* Love? What is love? Some people say it's the best feeling ever, others say it can destroy you. I agree with both, although I think it depends on the person you...

My Take on What's Happening On the Internet...

There's of course LOTS of things going on on the internet and it's no surprise if something bad is happening on the Internet, like drama, a trolling, hacking, etc. They always happen, heck it might be happening RIGHT as I...

How to really get a British boyfriend

What i write here does not generalise all British men, they are all very different and are individuals but it's mostly what been noticed in "British lad culture" and is just a bit of fun as there's this really big...

Why it's so important for my generation to start speaking out about grooming I've just watched this video and even though i was groomed at 19. I can really relate and connect the signs of grooming as this girl in the video too....

What are we waiting for?

I don't know about you, but I always find it funny listening to the stories my co-workers have regarding their love interests. Not one of them, including those married, ever have anything nice to say about their...

Ladies: Don't Make Your Disappointing Dating Situation Worse

Ladies, have you ever been disappointed by how you were treated in a relationship with someone you loved? Ignored? Neglected? Or maybe even getting led on by someone in the dating scene, and you get the sinking feeling...

The One TV Show I Think Should Make a Comeback Is...

Hello GAGers. Over the past few months classic television shows have been making a comeback in one way or another. It can be a successful continuation of a previous series such as Fuller House. Or, a total reboot of a...

If something seems totally perfect. Its probably not

If something is totally perfect. Its probably not. With relationships. Something may seem to go fine, but there is always a dark thing, lurking in the corner, just to mess you up. I met someone during Thanksgiving. It was...

Dear Me, a Break Up Isn't the End of the World

Dear Me, It seems like you found each other at the right time whenever you first met. Things seemed to being going pretty well. Before you knew it, the both of you were falling for each other until one day, he just...

Feminism According to an Actual Feminist

Last year, I got out of an abusive relationship. My ex would hit me, rape me, and emotionally abuse me. His male friends would text me saying I was dumb to be leaving him, that he was a good guy. When I sent them proof...

7 Examples of Why I Believe Children Should Stay Away From YouTube

I'm going to sound like an old man so bare with me while I explain what influencers online will do to your children. Intentions I am not talking about any parent that has a kid above the age of 16, and I am mostly aiming...

Under 18 boys: 12 things not to do and to do to get the girl!

Nowadays younger generations are finding it harder and harder to find love. Here are 12 things that you should and not do to the girl you like. All that be a gentlemen your mama told you. Forget it. I bet she is already...

Is this an obsession or what?

Despite breaking up with my selfish and uncaring ex for the final time after 10 years on/off I can't get him out of my head. I dream about and think about him nearly everyday. This has been an issue that I haven't been...

How To Keep Your 2022 New Years Resolution When It Gets Hard?

It's that time of year where a lot of us start selecting annual goals. It can be inspiring and fun to imagine where you could be by at the end of 2022. Maybe you'll release that amount of weight you want off? Maybe you'll...