Feminism vs. Feminazi's...Learn the difference!

Feminism vs. Feminazi's... learn the difference.

I can almost guarantee someone is going to take this the wrong way, but hear me out.

I consider myself a feminist. I believe in equal rights among men and women, to be treat as equals and to rid the world of gender discrimination.

However, there are a lot of people out there that get this confused with 'Feminazi's.' These are women who believe females are superior to men and believe society should follow this. I think this it utter sexism and totally unfair to males.

That being said, there is a lot of misogyny and misandry in the so called first world. We need to fight against both, not take one side. Women in third world countries do have less rights than men, this is fact. The rape-culture in India is a dangerous and depraved mind-set and we need to oppose this to help the women and children of India. We also need to learn the difference between real oppression and bullsh*t female discrimation; I'm looking at you, Tumblr.

Regardless of whether you're male or female, we should be fighting for equality. The fact that feminism is something which is laughed at, particularly across social media worries me. Real feminism isn't about women being superior to men and anyone who thinks this is has either been misled or is a total idiot.

Feminism vs. Feminazi's...Learn the difference!
Post Opinion