Every Girl is a Bitch: The Art of Being Shallow and Rejecting Men

So you already know the word, but men who can not handle rejection will go as far as calling a woman a bitch simply for telling a man she is not interested.

Every girl is a bitch: The art of being shallow and the negative reactions men have to rejection

The Art of Being Shallow
Every Girl is a Bitch: The Art of Being Shallow and Rejecting Men

It is human nature to notice someone first by their appearance but what about a woman who is hot or attractive to a guy?

Every Girl is a Bitch: The Art of Being Shallow and Rejecting Men

If a guy who approaches a woman he thinks is good looking and REJECTS him, one or two things will happen if the guy can't handle rejection:

1. He dismisses her as a shallow bitch.

2. He complains how bad women are to his friends and/or the Internet even though it was one rejection.

Every Girl is a Bitch: The Art of Being Shallow and Rejecting Men

I understand that some girls are genuinely mean and bitchy, but I am talking about men who get rejected and call a woman shallow or a bitch when the guy knows that if a girl he found unattractive approached him, he would turn her down.

Every Girl is a Bitch: The Art of Being Shallow and Rejecting Men

Then there are the men who will call a girl a slut or a whore or a lesbian if she turns him down. Some guys are not used to getting rejected, so they think if a girl rejects him she must be a lesbian.

Every Girl is a Bitch: The Art of Being Shallow and Rejecting Men

Then there are the men who label a girl bitch who rejects them simply because they do not want to have sex with them.

A guy has a right not to make a girl his girlfriend and a girl has a right to not give a guy sex either. It should go both ways.

Every Girl is a Bitch: The Art of Being Shallow and Rejecting Men
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