Feminism: The Poison that Kills Relationships

Feminism: The Poison that Kills Relationships

I decided to write this myTake because I see that there are people on this website who are still trying to convince others that feminism just means equality and has nothing to do with hating men.

The reason there is confusion is because different women have different opinions on what feminism really is. There are good women who call themselves feminists, and there are bad women who call themselves feminists. So what is a "true feminist"? But for arguments sake, let's accept that a true feminist is someone who believes that feminism just means equality between the sexes. The reason why so many men find this hard to believe is because the actions of feminists don't reflect equality.

Many people think that early feminism in the early 1970's was the correct version of feminism. However, a former feminist who supported feminism in the early 1970's said that when she use to go to feminist conferences, it wasn't so much about equality, it was more to do with convincing young women that men were the problem and that marriage and motherhood oppressed women. I also know a famous pastor whose mum use to be part of the feminist movement in the 1970's.

Feminism: The Poison that Kills Relationships

He said that his mum told him she soon left the movement because most of the feminists were just angry lesbians who wanted to be men. Not only that, but whenever men face injustices, such as fathers not having equal rights to mothers, feminists remain silent and never fight for the rights of fathers. Never! Feminists only whine and complain when they see women being mistreated. The actions of feminists over the last few decades has made it extremely hard to believe they are only interested in equality.

The reason feminism kills relationships is because is causes women to see men as the problem. Feminism brainwashes young women to see themselves as victims: If women have problems, it's a man's fault. Feminism also encourages women to avoid marriage and motherhood and focus on competing with men in the workforce. Even early feminism in the 1970's was very much anti-marriage and anti-family.

So you see, the agenda of feminism goes much deeper than just "equality," it also seeks to attack the family unit by convincing women they don't need men and that they can only be truly liberated if they have a full time job. The brainwashing begins in the education system. Feminists like to go after young girls. The earlier they can be indoctrinated, the better. It really is a poisonous movement that propagates lies and half-truths. The end result is conflict between men and women and damaged relationships.

Feminism: The Poison that Kills Relationships
Post Opinion