Why We Need A Matriarchy

Matriarchy is the norm in human society, but you might not have noticed if you've been living through the patriarchal nightmare of the past several thousand years.

Q. What is a Matriarchy?

A community or country ruled by Women. Patriarchy likewise is a society ruled by men.

Q. Would matriarchy therefore be exactly like patriarchy except it would be women ruling instead of men?

No, because men and women are different physically, mentally and emotionally. So a female dominated government would therefore, be very different to a male dominated government.

Why We Need A Matriarchy

Q. Then do you believe that men are basically evil?

Personally, I distrust this concept because what is good and evil is a matter of opinion. Unfortunately, the concept of evil has been used to dehumanise people. That is to say; by claiming certain people are evil has become the justification for genocide.

Men create a world of violence and chaos because they are driven by their basic animal instincts.

We have a choice in this, history shows that men can be trained and brutalised into being vicious and brutal killers, or can be taught to be loving and caring people. Unfortunately, patriarchy has preferred to teach men to be violent killers as this is the only way patriarchal countries can protect itself from conquest by other patriarchal countries.

This then is the problem when men rule our world, men will compete with each other for power and wealth and use war and violence to do this. If we were to live in a world ruled by women then men can then be taught to be caring and loving people. But this doesn't mean that men are evil and women are good. It means both sexes are driven by different instincts, men are destructive because of their instincts and women are very constructive again because of their basic instincts.

Q. Is Matriarchy all about women vs. men?

No, because some of the strongest supporters of patriarchy are women. While in the Matriarchal movement at present, more men support Matriarchy than women. Also, patriarchy only benefits a minority of men and women. The small number of alpha men that rule our world, and their female relations and wives. The majority of men do not benefit from patriarchy as most find themselves living in poverty or being used as 'cannon folder' in wars created by the ruling elite.

Matriarchy is more likely to benefit the majority of men as well as women. This is because a Matriarchal government will work harder at eliminating poverty than any patriarchal government, which will benefit both men and women. Men will no longer be used as 'cannon folder' in the many insane wars that patriarchal governments fight. It is true men will no longer get the chance to rule countries or large corporations, but the vast majority of men don't get this chance anyway, under patriarchy.

Q. So, if you are recommending that women should rule the world how can this be achieved?

This can only be achieved by democratic means. It is completely unlikely that a great Amazon army will set out to conquer the world, like the Greeks under Alexander the Great, or the Roman Empire. Women can only gain power by being elected into office. This means women will have to take over existing political parties which is what is happening in Scandinavian countries. Or create their own matriarchal political party, and be bold enough to say, "Women can rule our country better than what men can".

Why We Need A Matriarchy

Q. Yes but, Margaret Thatcher become Prime Minister of Britain in the 1980s, and she didn't show any of sign of being a caring and compassionate leader.

A female leader of a patriarchal government is NOT matriarchy. What is notable about Margaret Thatcher is that she acted and behaved like a man. It would be impossible for a feminine, caring, and compassionate women to become a leader of a patriarchal political party and go on to be the leader of a patriarchal government. This is, unfortunately, true of many female politicians, businesswomen and professional women competing in a patriarchal society for wealth, status and power, they are forced to act and behave like men.

This is why we cannot get the full benefit of the feminine nurturing instincts in governments, of both men and women. The men will continue to compete with the women for power and status and the women will have to do likewise to hold their own. The sad fact is that in a patriarchal society the feminine virtues of nurturing, caring and compassion become weaknesses. This means that the government has to be totally dominated by women to allow women to express their maternal instincts for the benefit of the whole of society.

Q. Do you think men would fight and die for a Matriarchal government?

There is no reason why men shouldn't do this because a Matriarchal government can only come into being through democratic means, so the Matriarchal government's rule will be the will of the people. Patriarchy v. Matriarchy is not the same as men v. women. Many women today still strongly support patriarchal rule and in the future, many men will support Matriarchal rule.

Why We Need A Matriarchy

Q. Do you seriously think that people will vote for a Matriarchal political party?

If a Matriarchal political party was created, then at first, the people would not take it seriously. Yet this was also true of the Women's Liberation Movement in the 1960s where it become the target of jokes by male comedians. Yet when people began to listen to what they said, then public opinion changed in favour of the Feminists. Admittedly it is going to be very hard at the beginning because we all have been brainwashed into believing that only men can rule the world, so any idea of Women ruling the world would be unthinkable.

Yet I believe that the case for Women ruling the world is very strong, and once this message gets out to the common people then there will be support for this idea. In politics today there is a 'power vacuum', this is because in Western countries there is disillusion with all politicians, as many people don't vote because they don't trust any of the main political parties. All types of political philosophy have been discredited; few people now believe in communism or fascism, while socialist political parties have, sold out throughout the world and are now conservative parties. While the conservatives themselves have followed through with policies that has made the gap between rich and poor even wider than before. So it is no wonder the people find they cannot trust any political party. People have tried all sorts of political systems except for Matriarchy; every other political system can only offer more of the same failed policies of the past. Matriarchy can offer something new.

Q. Feminism advocated sexual equality, would Feminists be opposed to Matriarchy?

Yes, more than likely they will be very opposed to the whole concept of Matriarchy. Feminists have claimed that it is wrong for one sex to rule the world, so they would see Matriarchy as being as bad as patriarchy. Sexual equality may make sense to women but it clearly doesn't make any sense to men. Men have ruled this planet for the last five thousand years and in that time they have completely failed to create an equal society. Even when men set out with the deliberate purpose of creating equality as in the French Revolution and with communism they still completely failed.

It is men's completive instincts that make any society ruled by men unequal. Men will compete with each other for wealth, status and power and the winners get the lot and the losers get nothing. So even in a government of half men and half women, the men with compete with the women for power, forcing the women to be as completive as men or lose power altogether. This means that even if it was possible to create a society of sexual equality the nature of the society will still be patriarchal because women will be forced to act like men and be very competitive to retain equal share of power and wealth. This is why sexual equality is very difficult, if not impossible.

A Matriarchal society stands a far better chance in creating a fairly equal society. Women being less competitive than men won't have the same winner/loser mentality and so allow a more equilibrium society, but it won't be completely equal as men will have to be kept away from all positions of power and influence.

Why We Need A Matriarchy

Q. If tomorrow a Matriarchal political party was voted into power what would they do that would be different to a patriarchal political party?

I have to admit, that at first they will carry on more or less the same as any other patriarchal party. All women today have been brought up in a patriarchal society so patriarchy is all that they know, and so they will at first do everything the patriarchal way. But in time things will change; the new female rulers will have a far greater concern for children, old people and the disabled than a patriarchal party, so more attention and resources will be pushed in this direction. In so doing they will eliminate poverty in the country they rule and the gap between rich and poor will decrease. As poverty is the main cause of crime then the crime rate will slowly go down. Over many years of Matriarchal government, the whole of society will change, but it may take a few generations of Matriarchal rule before we have a true Matriarchal society.

Q. If we did have a world wide Matriarchal revolution and it did create a caring and compassionate world wouldn't this be a very boring world?

You don't need violence, war and conflict to make life interesting. Sport has been shown to be a good substitute for war, for men. So men can still continue to compete against each other through sports. Also modern technology has given us the means to better explore and understand the universe we live in. It would be far better for all of us to put our resources into understanding the world we live in, than into military spending.

Q. How will women treat men in a Matriarchal society?

A lot better than men have treated women in patriarchal societies. It would be understandable for women to want; "payback time". That is to say, to treat men as badly as men have treated women over thousands of years of patriarchal rule. Yet many women claim they don't want to do this. Yes, there are many angry women, who understandably feel they very aggrieved by the way they have been treated by men. Yet, at the same time many women claim they don't want to feel hatred for men.

As a man, I do feel that women have the right to treat men as badly as what men have done in the patriarchal age. Men have no right to say; "yes, we have abused women for thousands of years but women shouldn't want to revenge for this". But I am also aware that hatred and anger are not nice feelings to have and I can understand any woman who does not want to experience these feelings.

This can create a real problem for men, because if women do not take revenge on men when they have to power to do this.

Then it shows up men, and proves that women are far nicer people than what men are. For this reason many men will feel they owe a karma debt to women for the thousands of years of abuse they have inflicted on women. Yet, men cannot force women to abuse them if women don't wish to do this. So the only way men can pay back their karma debt will be through devoted service towards women.

Why We Need A Matriarchy
Why We Need A Matriarchy
Post Opinion