Why do people hate on transgenders so much?

These people don't deserved to be hated on. They clearly can't help it. Someone being born a man, but having the mind of a female or vice versa is not something you make fun of someone for. I feel so many are misinformed about what transgender is. If you go on Tumblr, and look up transgender, you will be filled with bullshit. Say I man born a man. I have a dick, XY chromosomes. Everying about me is male. But, my mind is like that of a woman. Studies even show that transgenders have a different chemical balance in their brain to that of most people who are the same sex as them and closer to that of the opposite sex. This isn't something to hate on, it is a real issue that people go through. My little cousin, he is a boy. But he doesn't act, nor does he seem to think like a boy. He likes dresses. He plays with the girls, not the other boys. He likes being called she. His weird ass parents let him be girly, but they don't like him like this at all.
Why do people hate on transgenders so much?
7 Opinion