What are your thoughts on the #SoSorry march?

Also called the “March of the Abolitionists,” the #SoSorry movement is dedicated to bringing “an apology for the role of Europeans in the Atlantic slave trade,” and its leaders seek to discover how they “can make amends and repair the damage.” Their idea of making amends apparently involves white people of all ages dressing themselves in yokes and chains and marching around in a pathetic display of self-hatred and white guilt. Worryingly, this movement has apparently even been incorporated into the curriculum of predominantly white schools across Europe. So, do you agree with the movement or do you think it’s completely ridiculous? Do you think it’s rational for white people to feel this guilty about crimes committed by their ancestors from several hundred years ago?
What are your thoughts on the #SoSorry march?
What are your thoughts on the #SoSorry march?
What are your thoughts on the #SoSorry march?
What are your thoughts on the #SoSorry march?
What are your thoughts on the #SoSorry march?
I agree with the movement and am glad to see whites making up for what their race has done.
I disagree with the movement and think white people today shouldn’t be held responsible for the wrongdoings of their distant ancestors.
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This apparently took place from 2002 to 2007, as mentioned by a couple people, but that doesn’t change that it’s still the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. And I’ve also noticed that this mindset has become increasingly common since the time of this campaign.
What are your thoughts on the #SoSorry march?
45 Opinion