Are women too spoiled and/or pampered in American society?


I feel like the argument can be made that women in American society are indeed spoiled and/or pampered primarily because MEN are simps and can never say “no” to a woman. I don’t think it’s the woman’s fault entirely, because men constantly LIE, and give attention to women.

Pussy boi:
you’re so right, that dude was a total dick, I wouldn’t treat you that way, you didn’t do anything wrong.

Gullible “angel”:
oh my gosh, you’re so sweet (not). You’re right, I didn’t do anything wrong even though I’m crazy, I’m unreasonable, I’m a cheater, etc.

Pussy boi:
I’m totally going to have sex with her now.

So MEN, hold women accountable and stop lying to them.

Lying and trying to be false/nice will NOT get you pussy, so stop being compelled to do it because you think your chances will increase.

Stop defending women all the time

Stop complimenting women all the time. One or a few times is good enough. It’s annoying after that.

Don’t put her on a pedestal you simp fucks.

Not all women are like this and not all men are like this

This is towards you fuckers who do this
Are women too spoiled and/or pampered in American society?
35 Opinion