Are people really being educated in college or indoctrinated?

I believe college these days is mostly indoctrination. From not allowing conservatives on campus, to the fake global warming environmental crisis, to saying God is superstition, to the overcrowding lie, to not allowing free speech on campus, to under-minding the Constitution , to promoting socialism and communism, and not allowing other viewpoints.
Are people really being educated in college or indoctrinated?
Are people really being educated in college or indoctrinated?
Are people really being educated in college or indoctrinated?
888 The Great
888 The Great
Yes Educated
No, Indoctrinated
Educated but more Indoctrinated
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+1 y
Black people are also told they will never make it in a mostly white populated society and encourage riots, protests , and deviant behavior.
Are people really being educated in college or indoctrinated?
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