Do you think when minorities only ever go for white people that there is an underlying self hatred involved?

For example, I've literally seen black people get into relationships with white people and are thankful their child is born with "good hair" as apposed to the curly hair associated with black people.

I've seen Indian men and women who were born in Western countries like America chase down and only pursue white people for the sole purpose of having children with lighter skin tone and therefore higher on caster system that still prevails in Indian society. And for Asian women (not including Indian), a lot of them tend to only want to go out with white guys as a sort of social status symbol.

We even see this level of self hatred and brainwashing to some extent with Black NBA players who will drop their women to pursue white Caucasian women when they move up the totem pole.

I know some of you may think it is just preference but often is built on some racist belief on how one sees the world or one skewed perception of a given race.
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i like how gag picked the most SJW answers for the males.
Do you think when minorities only ever go for white people that there is an underlying self hatred involved?
14 Opinion