Have today's liberals become the most bigoted members of society?

I am an atheist and an independent and consider myself a moderate politically. I really can't stand the extremes on either side of the political spectrum. One of the things that really bothers me is hypocrisy, and it seems to me that today's liberals are the worst in that respect.

They preach tolerance but are incredibly intolerant of anyone they disagree with.

They preach against hate but they seem to monger more hatred toward others than anyone else.

They preach against bigotry but they are extremely bigoted toward Christians.

They justify their hatred and intolerance in their own minds by telling themselves they are "right". They don't have the honesty to see that their intolerance is in fact bigotry, just like what they preach against.

The official definition of a bigot is: "a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group."

That description fits today's liberals like a glove.

Are today's liberals now the most hateful and intolerant segment of society?
Today's liberals are the most hateful, intolerant and bigoted segment of society
Today's liberals are no worse than anyone else
Other - explain below
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Have today's liberals become the most bigoted members of society?
8 Opinion