Should men ever have a say in a woman's reproductive healthcare choices when women have no say in theirs?

Ez-Bri-Z s
Yes, this was inspired by the numerous posts about Roe v Wade today, but this isn't specifically on whether or not you think abortion should be legal or not. This is strictly about whether men should even get a say about what a woman chooses to do with her own body when they are not the ones forced to give up their body's health to carry a child.

Men at one time even had a say on whether women could have their tubes tied, but despite rumors of spousal approval being needed for a vasectomy, it wasn't true the other way around.

And just in case one of you brings this up, no this doesn't count if she has a male primary health care provider.
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+1 y
So many guys keep bringing up child support which has nothing to do with what the question was. If your mindset is trading off not paying child support for women getting abortions, can we just stop pretending you care at all about the baby and instead are just wanting to control women's lives because something is out of your control?
Should men ever have a say in a woman's reproductive healthcare choices when women have no say in theirs?
136 Opinion