Do you agree that women want to get married to men so they won't have to submit to them?

Start at 0:30 mark. Guys marry women and complains that she is spending too much money. Women leaves the house with their 2 kids and goes on a vacation with them charging 8000 dollars on the credit card they share.

She then goes on social media stating that she does not have a spending problem but that her husband has an income problem and needs to earn more money. The narrator then states that marriage is the ultimate goal for women due to them not having to submit to their man due to the government being involved and the negative outcome for the male if a divorce happens.

Keep in mind that many people think the solution is to get a woman who makes more money than you or at your income level. However it is not. Women often tend to keep their finances to themselves even if they make more than you do or at your level and you often still have to take on the role of provider and pay for most things. Take for example at dating trends. Despite, more women going to college than men, guys are still paying 67% of all dates.
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Do you agree that women want to get married to men so they won't have to submit to them?
1 Opinion