Should forward-facing cameras in motor vehicles be required?

Forward-Facing Dashcam View - Just Before the CRASH
Forward-Facing Dashcam View - Just Before the CRASH

In May 2018 in the US, backup cameras were required by law in new motor vehicles, with a few exceptions. This was done in response to several deaths of children behind the vehicle that the driver did not see when the car backed up and struck them. Other countries (ex: UK) are considering making backup cams a requirement.

Many people in the US and other countries have put forward-facing dashcams in their vehicle, which helps in the event they witness a vehicle accident, or are involved in one themselves.

Do you think that forward-facing cameras should be required for vehicles, with the ability to record at least the last 60 minutes of video? It could be played back on the same screen the backup cam uses, or could be offloaded to another device via SDHC card, Bluetooth or cable. They would be useful tools in accident investigations, would help determine who is at fault, as well as detecting bad drivers.

In the dashcam view shown, it's obvious that the white SUV is making an unsafe left turn, cutting off the cammer's vehicle, and would be considered 100% at fault.

If forward-facing cameras were in every vehicle, it might even make overall driving safer. If drivers know they are being watched and recorded, maybe the majority of them will pay more attention to driving and to obeying motor vehicle laws.

Please voice your opinion in the comments section.

Yes - it's a good idea
No - it won't change anything
No - it's government overreach
No - let people buy them if they want them
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Should forward-facing cameras in motor vehicles be required?
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