Do you agree that USA is a third world country?


like if you keep looking at influencers and movies, what you mostly see is entitled wealthy people. not the "average" person.

if you look at living conditions outside of the very few rich areas, you see a lot of homelessness. people living in their cars, not even able to afford mc donalds.

Do you agree that USA is a third world country?

and a good chunk of the people that aren't technically homeless live in third world like poor living conditions.

usa now has 300 trillion worth in debt. meanwhile it only has around 270 trillion net worth in assets. it's currently running 30 billion in new debt annually and only has a gdp of 23,3 billions. so it's factually financially a bankrupt failed state at this point.

average American income is 2500$ a month. average rent is 1300$. Average spendings for groceries is 450$. average cost of mobility (car) is 554$ a month. so that's roughly 200 bucks left. subtract cost for clothing which comes down to roughly 150$ a month on average, another like 100 bucks for mobile phone/internet plans, 100$ for heating, 110$ for electric... and that doesn't even include anything they spend on recreation/entertainment or any sort of medical/insurance spendings. so the average American citizen lives at AT LEAST a -260$ deficite a month.

plus usa is starting another war with some nation every other year, which is quite typical for these 3rd world countries lead by mobsters, cult leaders and warlords.

so really. is there an argument against the USA being a 3rd world country at this point?

Do you agree that USA is a third world country?
33 Opinion