I’s it awkward to wave at people?

  • Im a introvert female I easily get shy and don’t like talking to people unless they talk to me. I don’t really smile and I naturally have resting bitch face :/ I try to smile so people won’t see me as intimidating. I’m sure some people see me as rude bc of my social anxiety. I’m a single 28 year old female that rent a room in an apartment with 7 other people ( each have their room ) I rarely talk to them but when I do I either say hi or say hi and give a wave and smile. I honestly feel like I look stupid lol I do the wave with out thinking cuz I just get anxiety when I interact with people. My neighbor rarely smile just say hi so that makes me feel like I look stupid or think I’m a weirdo. I know I’m probably over thinking but the last thing I wanna do is act weird when I just trying say hi 😞
  • I hate my social anxiety.
I’s it awkward to wave at people?
2 Opinion