Do you think decisions like this do damage to business and the city?


In essence, a Judge... one person, decided Trump organization over inflated the value of assets when making "deals". I've bought /sold properties and was involved in valuing a company... nobody EVER takes what the seller says as "the number". There are appraisers and very smart people that look at values... who cares what "I say"? The market decides.

Wow! You mean all those bankers, insurance companies and businesses did not sue him, but an AG did? And the judge was so convinced, they didn't even bother to get testimony. What?

Consequence being... shut down some of his businesses. I wonder if the judge gonna do the valuation when he sells?

This sounds insane to me. That's a lot of power in the hands of one person. If I did business in NYC... I'd leave. OOPS... looks like Goldman Sachs and JPM Chase beating others to it...

Note: I'm smelling a class action lawsuit against all government districts overstating the value of properties and OVER TAXING those assets. Also, anyone like to sue Apple... you know how much they are over charging for those phones and over stating value of their company? Lastly, lets sue all clothing companies because that piece of fake cotton underwear you are earing costs $.50 to make but you way over paid! CLASS ACTION!!!

PS Am selling 2006 Honda CRV, some dents, runs good... our market price $65,000 USD because gently driven by a wise sage and is filled with good spirits! But I'm willing to make a deal with YOU. I will even finance it for you. no need to check market prices. God, I hope I don't get sued for fraud...

TEARS... oh my god... why do we have people running the show whom have never been in business? Business in essence

PS. PS... are you over paying for that "hamburger"? Think about it... think of all the law suits... smell the $ yet?

Its in better shape than this one, includes all 4 wheels. Trust me...
It's in better shape than this one, includes all 4 wheels. Trust me...
I'm offering you $75000 for your car... cause I'm thinking inflation baby!
I'm only offering $40,000 for your car
I'm just not sure, maybe I should do some research first
I smell them money
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7 mo
I'm not so sure about honest white male, definitely a salesmen, but he speaks truth...
Do you think decisions like this do damage to business and the city?
3 Opinion