Why does there seem to be so little concern that Maduro wants to steal 2/3 of Guyana's territory?

Why does there seem to be so little concern that Maduro wants to steal 2/3 of Guyanas territory?

Maduro held a referendum and 95% of Venezuelans voted overwealmingly in favor of expanding their territory. But there was no vote from the Guyanans, though people living in this region have already been offered Venezuelan passports.

A bit of backstory, Maduro claims this region (Essequibo) actually belongs to Venezuela, because the post-colononial borders were wrongly drawn up. However, Maduro has been in power since 2013, and this never bothered him until oil and minerals were found in the region and Guyana gained the highest GDP in the world.

Eerily, aside from the U. S. carrying out some air drills with the Guyanese military, the media and the West has been largely silent on the issue. Not a word from Fox News or even any of the independent media outlets, not a word from Joe Biden or any other U. S. politician and not a word from the UK, Guyana's former colonizers, and not a single word from the U. N. At least nothing that's been reported by the media. The BBC mentioned it very briefly and Lula in Brazil deployed some troops to the border. Aside from that, no one seems to care that we have possibly a third war brewing in the Americas. I wonder if Biden will give the same kind of assistance to Guyana that he's been giving to Ukraine.

Why is this not getting more attention? Why are more people not concerned about this?


Why does there seem to be so little concern that Maduro wants to steal 2/3 of Guyana's territory?
4 Opinion