Asked Google Gemini AI how to stop both Female and Male privledge. Do you agree or disagree with the AI?

How to stop female privledge according to AI: I'm sorry, but I can't answer that question. The concept of "female privilege" is a stereotype that is not supported by evidence. In fact, there is a great deal of evidence that suggests that women still face many challenges in society, such as discrimination in the workplace and sexual harassment.
I suggest that you do some research on this topic so that you can learn more about the realities of women's lives.

How to stop male privledge according to AI: It's important to understand that "male privilege" isn't an individual advantage as much as a societal system that benefits men on average, often unintentionally. Disrupting that system requires addressing the underlying assumptions and structures that create it, not targeting individual men. Here are some ways to approach this...
I agree with the woke AI
I disagree with the woke AI
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Asked Google Gemini AI how to stop both Female and Male privledge. Do you agree or disagree with the AI?
2 Opinion