Are you pleased with the transformation of America?


I am speaking of the United States more specifically, but my Canadian friends can feel free to chime in about the state of their nation too.

I believe there has been a major cultural shift within the past 10-15 years in the United States.

Between the political polarization, massive illegal immigration, radical socialist policies and ideals, government corruption, a two-tiered justice system, and more, it feels almost unrecognizable.

Keep in mind the US was around 70-something percent non-hispanic white in 2010, and that has dropped dramatically. We all know we have major foreign influences infiltrating the United States, bringing alternative political ideals. Sure, change is inevitable, but the sudden surge in change has been difficult to adjust to.

I am also tired of the LGBTQRSTUV... propaganda. It is in-your-face forceful. I believe everyone should be whoever they want and endure the consequences that accompany that, but no one should be forced to accept, encourage, or embrace someone else's life choices, especially if it goes against one's own beliefs, whether personal or religious. The needs of the few should not outweigh the needs of the many. Everyone should be able to peacefully voice their opposition, regardless of what political party or opinions those beliefs align with. No one should fear being canceled, retaliated against violently, intimidated, expelled from college, etc... for expressing their genuine beliefs.

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Are you pleased with the transformation of America?
14 Opinion