What is something you hate about your own race, or ethnicity, that you wish would stop happening?

As a African American, The number one thing or trend I hate about my own race is how some black people tend to hate and disrespect normal black women or men for just not being like them, or not being "black enough". Some black people believe whole heartedly that every black person needs to "act black" to be African American and when they see a African American not behaving like them they call them a "oreo" or acting weak or something. Just because some of us normal African American men and women don't hate all police for just being police officers, and wear our pants above our ass, and don't talk like we mumble every word out our mouths, and don't pull a gun out over little stupid shit, Doesn't mean we are any less or more African American than you are. I was taught good principles from my parents and not to do dumbass stupid shit, that bull shit about "not being black enough" is just retarded no matter what excuse you try to give it. But along with my coworkers this is part of why we don't want be with a "ghetto" type of person in a relationship it's just because of their way of thinking. It just tries to get more people to think that doing or believing stupid things are the right things to do, and it's just not. Stupid ghetto bullshit and people who fall for that just needs to stop. This is why I hate having been born African American honestly.

I know this won't change a damn thing but damn its especially annoying knowing that stupid ghetto bullshit could be a reason a friend of mine could be gone tomorrow all because they could be running away from crossfire all because of some dumbass retards deciding to use guns to settle small inconveniences instead of just being smart people and settling their own problems in a decent manner like grown ass adults. Remember back when Malls, walmarts, and targets, didn't have to lock their common items behind glass cases or feel like unsafe spaces all because of some dumbasses deciding to loot and steal? This is all why.
What is something you hate about your own race, or ethnicity, that you wish would stop happening?
6 Opinion