If you could watch any sports event live, what would it be?

Medieval joust events and other tournaments would be spectacular to see.
I'd also want to go back to early NHL/AHL and watch Ted Lindsay and Sawchuck on the Detroit Red Wings in the 40s or see the original Ottawa Sens in the 20s.
That medieval stuff would be dope for like one round. Watching someone die for crowd amusement would get old quickly!
Hitler didn't leave in fact he shoke Jessie Owen's hand unlike FDR.
I'd like to see Tyson Fury beat Dontay wilder or watch Uysk tonight defeat Anthony Joshua
I’m not buying the story that Owens and Hitler shook hands. A half dozen countries considered boycotting the Olympics that year, none more than the U. S. Yet somehow the dozens of photographers from any number of nations failed to get the most meaningful shot of the games, hell, their lifetimes? Only one did. A German, of course, who never published the photograph?
According to those articles, you were partly correct though. But so was i! Ell oh ell!
Probably a Spain vs Portugal World Cup match …. or a World Cup final.
From the past…. The 1999 champions league final. My mother went to that game, she still talks about it constantly.
When the raptors won their first championship in Toronto for the first time ever.
Well I can tell you one of them will be Mike Tyson versus the great rocky Marciano head-to-head combat
I kinda feel like that’d be a head-butting championship. Ell oh ell!
Have you ever heard Tyson talk about Jack Dempsey? Cus might have gleaned visions of Marciano in Tyson, but i’m certain Tyson idolized Dempsey more.
Jordan’s 96 Bulls versus Lebrons championship Cavs or Heat or Lakers.
NOICE!!! If you had to bet, who’d you bet on?
Oh Jordan’s Bulls would demolish any of Lebrons teams.
World Cup final, Germany's 1974 team vs Brazil's 1970 team
A tennis grand slam final, or a World Series game. You would have to pay me to go to the Super Bowl.
Being honest probably re live what I already witnessed F1 2013 indian grand prix watching my idol Sebastian vettel win his 4th title
Probably porta-potty racing.
Whichever one where the Team Tyranny dressed as woman beat the shit out the girls team on the pitch…
librarian championship
Is that a real thing?
When i read your response, my mind immediately went to the grocery bagger championships on “My Name Is Earl”. Ell oh ell!
The immaculate reception
The upcoming world cup in qatar for sure
Something gymnastics related
That would be kinda fun. Except for the mishaps. Could be more dangerous than NASCAR. Ell oh ell!
Monaco Formula One.
Michael Jordan in his prime
Either basketball or baseball
NHL hockey