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Questions: Break Up & Divorce

How much time does it takes you to move on with your life when you break up from someone?

You might be the one who called it quit or you might be the one who got dumped, in both ways, does it take you long to re-adapt to your ordinary life again, turn the page and have a whole new beginning? I believe that a...
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Is it okay to break no contact in order to offer condolences?

I just found out that my ex's father passed away, I'm wondering whether it is a good idea to reach out to offer my condolences.
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Ever since I blocked my ex girlfriend I feel so much better? Is that normal?

She said she "loved" me, what BS as she broke up with me and even said that BS again. So now that I blocked her and realize it wasn't "love" in a general/defined/and real way I feel so much better as I see her as the FAKE...
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Can you ever have a healthy relationship again after being abused by a women?

When you invest your whole heart and she verbally and physically abuses you then when you stand up to it she suddenly decides to break up. I wasn’t allowed to end the relationship cause her sister threatened to kill me
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May I have a women perspective on this?

I just got dumped by my 1st girlfriend. She broke up with me because I wouldn’t be honest with people at work about our relationship. I was trying to avoid the messiness of the work place but I ended up only considering...
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Post-Breakup: Do I get back to her or not?

I had this really wonderful relationship with this girl, we had this slight quarrel and she literally told me it was over, and besides that she wanted to concentrate on her studies, she also asked me to give her space to...
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Girls, Why random question from my ex during NC?

My wife divorced me 4 months ago, it was an easy breakup and during the divorce process I told her please do not contact me unless is for reconciliation, because I want to give us a chance, she was quite angry about it...
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Should I have said yes?

We hadn't talked in a while and out of the blue she texted me on a new number inviting me out to eat at a restaurant opened by one of my idols and I said yes, the fact that she remembers who I looked up to is crazy since...
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Girls, Have you ever kept any secrets from your ex that if they were to find out today they’d be upset?

My ex had tarot cards and I always thought they was weird so I threw them away, if she found out she’d prolly try to cast some spell on me or something 🤣
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Should I text my ex happy birthday?

Hey everyone, so My ex and I broke up a month ago because she lost feelings for me and I begged once and then left her alone after that she contacted my out of the blue sometimes and we last talked on 25 April where she...
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Would you divorce over an emotional affair?

Nothing physical has happened yet
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Why would someone have a "divorce party"?

Why would someone have a party for their divorce? Getting party decorations, reserving venues, and stuff like that? I get that divorce is more common and accepted now than in the past and that friends want to show...
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I blocked her yet she stares at me?

We worked together and lost family members at the same time so we talked a lot. I developed feelings and tried to be more than friends with her. She told me she just wanted to be friends and I was someone she deeply cared...
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Should I break the no-contact rule?

I want to break the no-contact rule not to reconcile with her, but to address some unresolved issues that are bothering me, which I believe I can't move on without expressing.
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Why does my ex keep block and unblocking me and blocking me again?

Why would an ex girlfriend who broke up with me keep blocking and unblocking then blocking again every other week? Her friend used a fake account to see my Instagram stories, and then she started using her real account to...
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What is going on?

So I was in relationship with this girl (LDR) for 3 months and after 3 months she said "our relationship was hindering in her growth". I begged and pleaded only once and left her on her own. I applied the No Contact Rule...
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