6 Reasons Why I'm Giving Up On These So-Called "Men" (For a While)

6 Reasons Why I'm Giving Up On These So-Called "Men" (For a While)

I'm not dumb enough to say I'm swearing off guys entirely. I'm sure I'll want to be with someone again at some point in my life. But for now, let's just say I'm sick and tired of the whole thing.

I see a lot of myTakes on here from guys who are bitching and whining about how women treat them (and in fact, all men), which has resulted in a whole lot of pro-MGTOW posts and "it's the woman's fault that she won't go out with me." What a steaming load of self-loathing, defeatist, pathetic bullshit.

THIS right here is one of the big reasons why I'm giving up on guys. Maybe when they start acting like real men again, I can give it another try. Anyway, let's start here-

6. I've learned how to be content by myself

6 Reasons Why I'm Giving Up On These So-Called "Men" (For a While)

There was a time when I couldn't do it at all. If I wasn't with a boyfriend, my girl friends, or family, I'd be a basket-case. I was one of those people who'd have the TV on during the day if I was home alone and I wasn't going to be seeing anyone that day. I'd call people just so say "hi" so I could hear someone else's voice. I had difficulty entertaining myself and felt anxious and depressed when I was alone.

But I'm past that. I've developed a few hobbies - yeah, more of you should try that - and I've found that having some "me time" is incredibly healthy and therapeutic. I now love my "me time."

5. I think guys might be even more narrow-minded than they were when I was younger...

6 Reasons Why I'm Giving Up On These So-Called "Men" (For a While)

Is that even possible? I mean, sure, there's the eternal stereotype that guys only care about one thing, but I never really started to believe it until this year. I just think men are so hell-bent on the sexual relationship and how a woman looks that they can't see anything else. I know guys - especially around here - accuse girls of being superficial and materialistic; i.e., they're "all about looks" but honestly, I'm seeing that in men more often. Their excuse for not wanting to date anybody who isn't drop-dead gorgeous is, "oh, I have a right to want what I want."

Yeah, well, so do I. And you guys are just getting dumber and even more obsessed with sex than you ever were before. I don't know how you managed it, but you did.

4. I'm not a FemiNazi or even a feminist so stop treating me as if I'm OPPRESSING you!

6 Reasons Why I'm Giving Up On These So-Called "Men" (For a While)

I'm especially tired of this crap. It's as if every guy today has their FemiNazi radar beeping like mad, and they're going to grill you about your allegiances before they agree to date you. The instant you say anything even remotely resembling independence or maturity (which aren't gender-specific, by the way), they're quick to fire off the labels and run away. I believe an age gap exists in certain scenarios and no, I don't believe a woman should be paid more, or should be given a job, just because she's a woman. I wouldn't vote for Clinton just because she's a woman.

Stop fucking pigeonholing me!

3. Sex isn't just about you, believe it or not

6 Reasons Why I'm Giving Up On These So-Called "Men" (For a While)

Yeah, I know, another stereotype: all men are selfish in bed. They're not, I know they're not. They just seem to be getting more selfish as time goes on and furthermore, they're starting to use sex as a relationship WMD. If you don't put out enough, you're ignoring him. If you have enough sex, he wonders if you're only doing it to appease him. He believes foreplay isn't really necessary after a certain amount of time together and frankly, he's "had a long day" so the sex should be about him. I've yet to meet a guy who was more worried about my pleasure than his own.

Selfish doesn't even begin to describe it. And really, guys...maybe take some lessons or something. The last few guys I was with were just terrible.

2. I find I hit goals faster and easier when single

6 Reasons Why I'm Giving Up On These So-Called "Men" (For a While)

Call it whatever you want but it's true. At least for me. If I set a personal or professional goal, I've found I'm far more likely to hit that goal, and more likely to hit it faster, if I'm not in a relationship. I used to think relationships would only enhance my drive and ambition and productivity and all that. But after enough experience, I've started to notice that it's backwards. Most of the time, the relationship crap just gets in the way and slows everything down. This tended to happen even in the good relationships and there never seemed to be a way around it.

A guy can support me and cheer me on, which I appreciate. But inevitably, my personal goals take a back seat at times. If I want to really get stuff done, it just helps if I'm alone.

1. Guys have just become man-babies

6 Reasons Why I'm Giving Up On These So-Called "Men" (For a While)

This is what I was leading up to in the intro. Seriously, many of the guys I've encountered recently have just been the biggest bunch of whining losers I've ever met. They whine about everything! They whine about how they can't get girls and when they do get girls, they whine about how much sex they have or just how the girl acts in general. They whine about girls putting too much emphasis on work and then whine when girls work less and expect the guy to pay more. They can find a way to whine about absolutely anything, I swear.

What happened to MEN? Where the hell did they go?! You know what, until they come back, I'm good on my own.

6 Reasons Why I'm Giving Up On These So-Called "Men" (For a While)
6 Reasons Why I'm Giving Up On These So-Called "Men" (For a While)
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