Marrying the woman you knocked up?

Men if you got a girl pregnant would you think about marrying her?

Would you only marry her if you were in a relationship already?

Would you feel obligated to the child?

What if you were together but don't necessarily see each other as "the one" you think it is better to get married and become a family for the child's sake if you got along but aren't necessarily crazy for each other? Sometimes couples like this grow closer over time and end up pretty happy as a family.

Are you less worried about possible pregnancy in a monogamous relationship?

Women what do you think?

Just curious about opinions, one of my guy friends told me that if he ever knocked a girl up he would want to keep the child and marry her. On the other hand he doesn't have sex very often because he doesn't want to face this problem but I thought that was a nice thing of him to say, because there are a lot of deadbeats out there.

Marrying the woman you knocked up?
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