Why I Don't Wear Makeup

Why I Don't Wear Makeup

I know what you thought when you read the title. This girl is crazy! She doesn't wear makeup? I mean, she should at least wear it sometimes, right? She has to. She's batshit crazy-

I’ve never been big on makeup. It just isn’t something I’ve really taken interest in. My friends starting wearing it when I was in middle school, It went from a little lip gloss to a full on picasso of eyeliner, mascara, and foundation when I hit my freshman year of highschool. Honestly it was like these kids were going to walk down the Victoria's Secret runway at 5th period!

The only time I’ve really done myself up in makeup was for my Homecoming Dance. I spent an hour in the mirror trying to create the perfect the perfect cat eye, and to just simply do myself up as much as possible. My makeup ended up running down my face from sweating so much from dancing!

From that time, I really didn’t care about makeup, but one thing I really liked was nail polish, so I spent a little money on buying different colors of that rather than trying to expand my makeup collection from the cheap mascara and eyeliner I owned. I even did my own nails for my school dance! I mean, sometimes I would apply a little of that for special occasions, but other than that, makeup has been a rather “meh” experience for me.

One of the reasons for writing this was remembering getting asked by friends on why I choose not to wear it. A lot of my friends would raise an eyebrow at the fact that I don’t wear the stuff, and it’s definitely not being grossed out by girly things at all. In fact I don’t have a problem with any of the girls in my life who decide to wear it because people wear it for all types of reasons, whether it be insecurities or just because they feel like looking nice for the day. I just don’t feel the need to because when I look in the mirror, I think I look fine as is. Not a problem. I don’t care about how I look...well I do care, it’s just the fact that I rather buy cute clothes with my money rather than tons of makeup.

To all the ladies who love wearing makeup: No disrespect to you. I don’t hate makeup or hate the fact that you wear it. There are plenty of reasons to love makeup. As long as you love the way you look with and without it, we're good.These are just some of the reasons why I am not to fond of wearing it on a daily basis.


Why I Don't Wear Makeup

Do you realize how much time girls spend putting on makeup? It can be anywhere from a couple of minutes to a couple of hours. You could be spending that time doing so much more than just applying makeup, really. I just don’t have the patience to sit in front of my mirror making sure my makeup is on fleek every single day.

While girls get up about an hour early for school to apply makeup, I’m still comfy and snug in my bed, fast asleep. That’s one less thing I have to do in the morning.

It costs A LOT of money.

Why I Don't Wear Makeup

I don’t know if you have noticed already, but makeup, more specifically, high quality makeup, is ridiculously expensive. A tube of high quality mascara can cost upwards of 30 dollars a bottle. I am a broke student as it is, and I don’t have the money to spend on building up a makeup collection. I much rather spend the money on something else, like maybe those high-quality colored pencils I’ve been wanting.

Oh goodness, I’m so hypocritical aren’t I? Makeup is an art form too, except your face is the canvas.

Some makeup is tested on animals.

Some big makeup companies, like MAC, test their products on animals. That is not something I want to support by giving my money to these companies. I know there are cruelty-free brands, but it's still sad to think about.

It's really disheartening how some poor animal had to get it's body caked in makeup so that you can have your desire of looking beautiful fullfilled.

Why I Don't Wear Makeup

I love being able to sleep without having to remember to take off my makeup at night.

Why I Don't Wear Makeup

Let’s face it, I am really lazy, and one thing about applying makeup is that at the end of the day, you have to take all of that stuff off. Your masterpiece is ruined, not to mention that it can riddle your face with pimples and bad acne. You have to get a good makeup remover and facial cleanser to remove it all, and frankly that is so tedious to me. I rather just take a shower, wash my face, brush my teeth and go to bed, without the hassle of removing my lipstick, eyeliner, mascara, blush, etc. #lazylife

I don’t have to worry about it rubbing off.

So you go to a sad movie with your friends, and pretty soon you find yourself crying. The lights come on and your friends look over to see that you have panda eyes! Your mascara is bleeding all over your face.

Well, ya don’t have that problem when you don’t even bother to put makeup on. You can even rub your itchy eyes without getting mascara all over your hands!

Why I Don't Wear Makeup

I don’t want to mess up my skin.

My skin clear and smooth after I cleared up my diet and started drinking tons of water, and wearing makeup too often can irritate it, causing pimples and even bad acne. Yeah, I know that if you clean your makeup off everyday thoroughly, you won't have this problem, but this goes back to point number 1: I'm just TOO LAZY! I just don’t feel the need to cake my face with concealer and blush when my skin is already perfectly fine on it’s own if you know what I mean. I spent all that time clearing up my skin just to cover it up again? Makes no sense.

Why I Don't Wear Makeup

There's just no pleasing people.

I already have an amazing boyfriend, but there's always those people out there who criticize you no matter what.

Why I Don't Wear Makeup

If you wear makeup, you're "fake" and "a bitch". If you don't wear it, you're not pretty enough. Why would you get with someone who loves you one minute, and as soon as you wash off your makeup, he's not attracted to you anymore or doesn't even recognize you? There's no point in even attempting to please people like that. You should always go for people who express unconditional love for the person they are with. With or without makeup, they still should love YOU for you.

So there you have it. These are seven reasons why I don’t wear makeup on a daily basis. I mean, I will put on eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick for special occasions, but it’s not an everyday thing for me. Thanks for reading. :)

And remember, the next time you apply your makeup, think about who you're doing it for. Are you doing it for you or for someone else?

Girls, do you wear makeup? If so, how often?

(I was hesitant to post this myTake due to the fact that people may get offended, but then I was like "f it". I apologize if you do get offended because that was not my intention at all and this is simply my personal opinion on why I am not fond of wearing makeup all the time.)

#Makeup #MyPersonalOpinion

Why I Don't Wear Makeup
Post Opinion