What do I do if my boyfriend is getting bullied?

So this is what's going on...

My boyfriend is on a culinary team and will be heading to state in about a week. Well one of his teammates, who I also work with, has been calling him fat and making fat jokes, he is over weight but not that much. This has been going on for about three - four months. I have been telling him to talk to the guy about it or someone else like the teacher so the guy stops. Well I have been staying out of it because it is his problem and I don't want to be seen as fixing his problems and making him look weak. But now it has gone overboard. He has now started using sexual comments against the both of us! Now I am in it. So technically I can do something. He does not want me or him to say anything about it because it will cause drama and he especially does not want that happening right before competition. I get that but if they are going to work as a team there can not be bullying in a team. Anyways I get my bf's reasoning but this is ticking me off! He is being a bully and harassing both of us. I have thought of a few options on how to handle this...

A. Pull the guy aside and talk to him nicely about it.

B. Pull him aside and talk to him sternly and let him know I mean it.

C. Tell the teacher about it.

D. Just let it be. (ignore it)

If someone has any other ideas how to handle it please let me know. And if you choose one of these please give me your reason why and how to enact it.

Either way this needs to stop because it is really effecting him. And making me really angry.

(Oh by the way I am not too worried about getting in a fight. I would rather not to but if it comes to that it comes to that. I am also not weak at all so I could easily take this guy down.)

Pull the guy aside and talk to him nicely about it.
Pull the guy aside and talk to him sternly and let him know I mean it.
Tell the teacher about it.
Just let it me. (ignore it)
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What do I do if my boyfriend is getting bullied?
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