Why Being Physically Fit Doesn't Make You Knowledgable About Fitness and Nutrition

Why Being Physically Fit Doesn't Make You Knowledgable About Fitness and Nutrition

What makes someone knowledgable about nutrition and fitness is their education in the topic, experience coaching / lifting, and how much they do to better themselves ability wise and knowledge wise.

Your physical appearance by itself means nothing about the education you had and the experience you have coaching or training. Individually physical appearance doesn't matter.

(Although the average person outside of the field thinks how good of shape you're in means how knowledgable you are about the subject)

What shape their in before they started working out and the gains they made from their workouts are mostly genetic. So someone jacked or in shape might not have knowlege in the subject while a skinny or out of shape person does because they had education in it , plus experience coaching and training.

It's just like you can't look at somebody and tell what major or profession they are, how long they've been doing it, and how good they are it.

Why Being Physically Fit Doesn't Make You Knowledgable About Fitness and Nutrition

Genetics accounts for about 70-80% of how much muscle / natural fat you have before you workout and how well you respond to training strength, size, and endurance wise. 20% of the gains they made from training was due to their program.

There's people who are naturally muscular, naturally skinny, average sized, fat, and mixtures of these. There's people who gain a lot of muscle and ability when they do a certain workout, there's people who gain an average amount, there's people who don't respond to it at all, also there's people who lose muscle or ability doing it.

It doesn't matter what you looked like before, that person could respond to that workout or any program in anyone of those ways.

Assuming you had a decent program with a properly suited nutrition intake for your goals you will see results if it's a workout you genetically respond to.

Why Being Physically Fit Doesn't Make You Knowledgable About Fitness and Nutrition

Also just because they got results using a certain technique and range of motion for an exercise doesn't mean thats the way YOU should do it. There's individual factors that determine what exercises YOU should do, the technique you use to do them, and the range of motion you use.

How well you metabolize fat is genetically determined by your thyroid. Some people are skinny or have low fat because they naturally lose fat easier or don't gain fat even though they don't workout and eat a lot, even unhealthy food. While someone might have problems losing weight when they eat right and exercise like they should because how they metabolize fat.

Going further on the extreme ends it could be a medical condition by not metabolizing enough fat or metabolizing fat too slow. Then there's people in the middle within normal range of how they metabolize fat. They could be any of these.

Why Being Physically Fit Doesn't Make You Knowledgable About Fitness and Nutrition

Most people who workout at the gym aren't educated in fitness or nutrition. Most go by what's commonly said in the gym or what's mostly the completely wrong info found on the internet. This includes jacked, in shape guys, and even athletes. A lot don't have the background knowledge to know what's bullshit, which a lot of what you hear about fitness and nutrition is bullshit.

The athletes usually only know "their" coach's workouts for their sport. Most just do them but don't know how they work, why they do them the way they do, how other types work, and why someone would do other types. They likely also don't understand more than the guys who read blogs that may or may not be bullshit. It's not always the case though.

There are knowledgable people, but you can't tell by looking at them individually. If you want to know, ask them their education in the topic, their experience, and what they're doing to keep learning.

Why Being Physically Fit Doesn't Make You Knowledgable About Fitness and Nutrition
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