10 Random People/Things That Really Irritate Me

1. People who talk to dogs.
10 Random People/Things That Really Irritate Me

And not in the cute, off-handed way most people talk to their dogs. I've been guilty of asking a dog questions like........

"Want to go out?"


"Are you hungry?'

But I don't expect the dog to actually understand me, just respond to the sound of my voice. No, what is annoying is people who actually think they can communicate with their pets on a human level :/

What's really sad are the ones who ask their dog the same question like 3 or 4 times, Then actually get upset that the f*cking thing never answers back.

2. Hipster D-bags who hate everything just because they think it's hip to be the super unpleasant guy/girl that just hates every damn thing.
10 Random People/Things That Really Irritate Me

People who act like their whole existence revolves around hating popular things and shitting all over anyone who dares to say something positive about the objects of their irrational disdain.

You see this type a lot around discussion boards about super popular TV shows like the Walking Dead and Game of Thrones.

If you are still around during the 6th or 7th season bitching about the same things you did during the first season, the problem is you.

3. Community Guidelines
10 Random People/Things That Really Irritate Me

Almost all sites on the internet are plagued by these bastards in one form or another. And they always have two things in common, Being vague and stupid.

Even I see the need for community guidelines but they become way too fascist when they start interfering with my ability to see a nice pair of titties anywhere I happen to be on the internet at any giving time.

And for all those that might use the old 'kids might be using these sites' argument, I remember being a kid myself and I loved looking at boobs even then.

And as much as I try to play nice with everyone, sometimes you just really need to call someone a bi-polar c*nt. And, It's actually really hard to call someone a bi-polar c*nt in a totally non-offensive way :(

4. Robert Kirkman
10 Random People/Things That Really Irritate Me

What an asshole..............

As much as I love The Walking Dead show, I never really cared that much for the comic book or its creator. It gives me a great feeling of relief that all the really great things about the show didn't even come from the comic book.

I'm not even sure why I despise this guy so much, I just know that I do. Really rubs me the wrong way.

On a side note, I really like both the Outcast comic and TV show.

5. Micheal Moore, Janeane Garofalo and all other 'outspoken' SJW heroes.
10 Random People/Things That Really Irritate Me

This 500-pound turd in a hat is the perfect role model for the whole ultra-leftist/Social justice ideology.

Smug and overbearing when they are getting (or think they are getting) their way, but turn into unhinged crybabies when people don't agree with any of their nonsense.

10 Random People/Things That Really Irritate Me

And this hate-mongering psycho with a bullhorn is just as bad, If not worse.

6. People who try to call Kanye West a genius.
10 Random People/Things That Really Irritate Me

Mr. Kardashian is not a genius. A marginally talented egomaniac who makes overproduced pop/rap with very catchy lyrics, yes.

But not a genius.

If you have to start calling rappers musical geniuses, there's probably much more deserving ones out there, IMHO.

7. Chronic Complainers.
10 Random People/Things That Really Irritate Me

I don't really mind complainers up to a point, There is a lot of stupid out there to complain about. I even complain some myself.

But it does reach a point where it gets really annoying really fast. Like, the type of person you could give a bag of money to and they would complain about having to carry it.

8. Elitism
10 Random People/Things That Really Irritate Me

I hate elitism with a passion.

And despite all their pedigree and eugenics talk, the truly elite keep coming from humble or even impoverished backgrounds.

And I agree with Huckabee, Hillary Clinton is an elitist snob to the core.

10 Random People/Things That Really Irritate Me

Despite all her surface bullshit.

9. Women that start a blowjob but don't finish it.
10 Random People/Things That Really Irritate Me

Seriously, That shit should be illegal.

Mean ass bitches :(

10. People that try to badmouth Donald Trump.
10 Random People/Things That Really Irritate Me

The Donald is going all the way, Deal with it!

He's gonna take his right foot and he's gonna whop Hillary on that side of her face...

10 Random People/Things That Really Irritate Me

...and you wanna know something? There's not a damn thing you're gonna be able to do about it.

10 Random People/Things That Really Irritate Me

You're Fired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Bonus: Onision
10 Random People/Things That Really Irritate Me


10 Random People/Things That Really Irritate Me
Post Opinion