Is it okay to hug your guy friends while having a boyfriend?

Okay so I've noticed that there are so many jealousy acts out there. And I just don't get it. I haven't been in a relationship yet but I've had quite a few crushes and I've never been jealous. My friend got really upset when her boyfriend hugged his female friend and joked around with her. I didn't understand I saw that they were just friends and that he didn't look at her the way he looked at my friend.

I hug and joke around with nearly all my guy friends but it's not the I'm gonna hold onto you until I die type of hug just a casual nice to see you hug.

Am I really weird? Could it be because I have a lot of guy friends tat I don't get jealous? Would this upset my boyfriend if I got one?

No, it's not okay to hug your guy friends while having a boyfriend.
Yes, it's okay to hug your guy friends. Why would it be a problem?
You're crazy girl! (O-o)
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Other (motivate).
It's weird!
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Is it okay to hug your guy friends while having a boyfriend?
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