Top Feminist/Feminism Questions of The Week

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Feminism — the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities.

Feminist — a person who supports feminism.

Top Feminist/Feminism Questions of The Week

Do men hate feminist?

Asked by @TheNewJanie in Guy's Behavior

“I'm for equality but I don't identify as a feminist and don't want to associate with the feminist movement as such. Soooo many people try to quote the dictionary definition and argue that me and anyone else who says they agree with the definition of feminism should be on their team, which just makes it worse.
I can't ignore the greater context of the feminist movement.”

Opinion by @AllThatSweetJazz

Why is feminism still a thing in the modern age?

Asked by Anonymous in Other

“Well, it depends about what kind of feminism you're talking about. If they're these crazy feminists who make all women seem like godesses and men like shitheads, then obviously they suck and don't deserve any attention. However, if they're just genuine people that want equality for both genders (which doesn't exist for BOTH genders at the moment) then it's perfectly normal.

The amount of women that get raped in the USA and the extreme standards for men is ridiculous now, that's why feminism still needs to be a thing until things like this aren't an issue.”

Opinion by @marvelmuke

What's so wrong about being a Feminist?

Asked by @xastranger in Social Relationships

“There's nothing WRONG about being a Feminist. There is nothing wrong about being confident, having a high paid career etc etc. Men don't hate feminists for that reason. It's because there are varying degrees of Feminism, and it seems there are a lot of Radical Feminists with Extremist views. I'm sure 99% of guys would agree with 'gender equality', but I'm also sure 99% of guys wouldn't stand for 'lifting up the female gender by putting down the male gender' - which a lot of Feminists come across as.

I personally would never date a feminist. I've got plenty of confidence and my salary is probably higher than 99.9% of the population, so not I'm intimidated by a woman's success or confidence or whatever Feminists claim it to be. My current girlfriend is highly educated, high paying career and very intelligent lady, but not a feminist. That's the kind of girl I want.”

Opinion by @doireallyneedone

Girls, if you are a feminist do you want Hillary to win?

Asked by Anonymous in Other

“I believe in empowering woman to achieve their dreams but I am not against men being happy and feeling appreciated in their relationships with woman.

I like Hillary conceptually but I don't think she is healthy enough to survive the presidency because she has had 2 surgeries on her internal organs and is a lot older than Obama. She also failed the bar when she graduated from law school so even your average lawyer is smarter than her.”

Opinion by @523206720

Why are so many guys scared of gender equality?

Asked by @Jxpxtxr in Other

“I promote equality between the genders. I wish we could all get past the gender wars of who is in control, who is behind on rights, who is treated unfairly and where. To me there is a difference between feminism and egalitarianism. Don't get me wrong feminism has brought women up from history's unfair treatment and done it in an amazing and effective way. But feminism (at least where I am or I've seen it) has mainly been focused on "catching women up to men". That's been the message which was needed because women were treated very poorly in the past. But today that message acts as if men are still ahead or being a guy is totally laid-back or just doesn't have any problems itself.

I'm not saying feminism has just been totally selfish but rather that it doesn't see the problems men go through as clearly as women's problems or it doesn't see them much at all. I'm all for equality and that may be what feminism is based on but today it doesn't seem to be able to effectively help or try to help men as much as women. Maybe we need more guys in the movement or maybe I'm totally wrong and just been seeing guys get the short end of the stick lately.”

Opinion by @The_Technomancer

Are you a feminist?

Asked by Anonymous in Other

“Feminism is wanting equality. That's it. Why do over half of the people on here NOT want equality?

And I am shocked that so many women said no! So you want to go back to when women could not vote and had to stay home in the kitchen and serve their husbands all day?”

Opinion by @CarolinaGuti

So if your not a feminist, how do you see women and their place in society with men?

Asked by @love2run13 in Social Relationships

“I'm against feminism. Ideally it should be equality between men and women, but that's not what modern feminism is about. Sure, equality between men and women is my ideal goal, but this will not be achieved through feminism, it cause more problems then it fixes.”

Opinion by @Drast

Why do so many men seem to hate feminism?

Asked by Anonymous in Guy's Behavior

“Usually, they don't understand what it's actually about. Believing in the worth and value of women doesn't mean devaluing men. Women have been taught for centuries that they are only valued for their bodies (to look at or to bear children) whereas men have always been valued for more than that.”

Opinion by @9mfeo

Feminism myTakes:

Top Feminist/Feminism Questions of The Week
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