Being a white guy is Life on Easy mode compared to Non-white guys?

I've heard plenty of people say being a white guy/girl practically makes your life super easy. Would non-white people agree/disagree with this?

Being a white guy is Life on Easy mode compared to Non-white guys ?

1. Can get hot non-white girls (especially Indians/Asians) to hook up with you who are better looking than you just because you are born with white skin.

Being a white guy is Life on Easy mode compared to Non-white guys?

Being a white guy is Life on Easy mode compared to Non-white guys?

2. Ain't gotta worry about the cops.

3. Everybody natural assumes your a good person.

4. You get fair shot in life you deserve.

5. Can underachieve your way through college and still come out on top.

6. People aren't afraid of you or walk across street when they see you coming.

7. Old people smile at you.

8. Non-white people naturally percieve you as being smart and successful in the future.
True for most cases
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Being a white guy is Life on Easy mode compared to Non-white guys?
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