Why Racially Profiling Muslims is Obviously Racist and Won't Work, Anyway

Why Racial profiling Muslims is not only obviously racist but won't work!

Trump has suggested that we use racial profiling against Muslims.


So this may seem like a good idea to the bigoted assholes of the world but the fact is it is obviously very very racist but it also just flat out won't work.

So if you needed any proof that Trump actually is a bigoted racist (that is on the off chance he is not actually a clinton plant but that mytake comes tomorrow)

Why Racially Profiling Muslims is Obviously Racist and Won't Work, Anyway

STFU you cuck you just got triggered,

is what certain morons on here might respond with however unlike them I have logic and facts on my side. So fuck you (You know who you are)

So let's do a little experiment here, just to show you just why this won't work.

So in these pictures tell me which ones are Muslim and which ones are not

Photo A

Why Racially Profiling Muslims is Obviously Racist and Won't Work, Anyway

He is an Arab so chances are he would be profiled as a Muslim. So is he a muslim or is he not, The answer is no, his name is Father Gabriel Naddaf and he is an Arab Christian and yes they do exist

Photo B

Why Racially Profiling Muslims is Obviously Racist and Won't Work, Anyway

How about this Burly and White as a Snowflake Australian man with the Amish looking Beard. He couldn't possible be a radical Muslim that might actually commit an act of terror someday could he.

This is Musa Cerantonio, an Australian Convert from Catholicism to Radical Islam and supporter of the Islamic State


He has been investigated by the Australian Intelligence service and of all the Muslims on this list, he is the only one who actually might commit an act of terror.

Photo C

Why Racially Profiling Muslims is Obviously Racist and Won't Work, Anyway

Now how about these rather attractive looking Asian Fashion models, surely these women must be Shinto or Taoists or Buddhist or something right.

and you would be wrong, Now if you actually thought these women would be Shintoists or Taoists you got the country wrong by a lot. These are Indonesian Fashion models and Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world and it includes these pretty looking women. So what do you think the chances are that racial profiling would miss them, I'd say 99 percent.

I'll be the first to admit that I have trouble telling MOST Asian nationalities apart and I say most because I can usually tell if someone is Filipino or not. That doesn't mean their aren't major differences, I do know that there are i just can't spot them. That's not racist that's simply someone who doesn't live in the region not being all that familiar with the different nationalities

So tell me how Racial profiling will help prevent terror attacks.

Then you have the fact that as Gary Johnson put it

I don’t how you determine one individual from another — is it color of skin? — as to whether one is an American citizen or the other is an illegal immigrant.”

So yes, Trump is being not only a racist bastard but also not providing a working solution so business as usual huh

Why Racially Profiling Muslims is Obviously Racist and Won't Work, Anyway
Post Opinion