12 Ways a Woman Acts After She's Dumped

1. "See what you have lost"

12 Ways a Woman Acts After She's Dumped

They ask to meet one last time to show what he is missing.

2. "Life is over for me"

12 Ways a Woman Acts After She's Dumped

They are the ones who make their boyfriend the center of their life. They may even get into depression.

3. "I'm dying but I'll never let you know"

12 Ways a Woman Acts After She's Dumped

They waste their time by eating and stalking. They don't call even once because of their pride. They never mess with their ex but deep inside, they get depressed.

4. "I feel so bad"

12 Ways a Woman Acts After She's Dumped

They use their friends to handle the agitation. The duty of their friends is to text him telling how bad she feels after break up.

5. "One day I'll hurt you, I promise"

12 Ways a Woman Acts After She's Dumped

They are just a pain in the neck. They swear to get revenge and look for the opportunities. If you see your car scratched, it can be because of your ex.

6. "He is the one who lost me"

12 Ways a Woman Acts After She's Dumped

Since they know that their relationship wasn't working they accept the breakup and find themselves at the hairdresser to have a change. But the storm inside them doesn't linger.

7. "I'll focus on the matches going forward"

12 Ways a Woman Acts After She's Dumped

They look for a new relationship as soon as it's over. They think that they will get over the love pang if they find someone new.

8. "No one loves me, I'm so alone"

12 Ways a Woman Acts After She's Dumped

As their past relationships were over frustratingly, they think that no one loves them. They share their feelings with the people that they meet online.

9. "We broke up in a friendly manner"

12 Ways a Woman Acts After She's Dumped

They move on harder, better, faster and stronger. They never say bad things about their ex. They even wish happiness for them.

10. "I feel empty"

12 Ways a Woman Acts After She's Dumped

They always find someone new to fill the empty space.

11. "Watch me disappear"

12 Ways a Woman Acts After She's Dumped

You can't even reach these kind of women to get your stuff back. They make you wonder about them.

12. "It's over the moment he's gone"

12 Ways a Woman Acts After She's Dumped

They hate you a lot that they get rid of all things reminding them of you. They think that it's over the moment he has gone.

12 Ways a Woman Acts After She's Dumped
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