Lies told in relationships... to end them

Lies told in relationships... to end them

15. "I have issues."

People use this excuse all the time, but they leave off two key words "...with you". People who want to be with you, will put up with you, people who don't, simply won't.

14. "I need space."

Again, much like the first one, they leave off two important words "...from you". This is a death sentence to a relationship. Don't try to cling on to a dead relationship. They're done, with you.

13. "I don't have time."

There are 24 hours in a day, seven days in a week, and 365 days in a year. There's no such thing as "I don't have time". If they're saying this to you, they're telling you, I don't want to spend my time with you any more, for whatever reason they're hiding.

12. "You deserve better."

We wouldn't be with you, if we wanted someone else. We like you, even if you're flawed. It's what makes us human. People who say this, most likely lack confidence, and are trying to show they aren't. No confidence, isn't attractive.

11. "ghosting/silence."

It;s not literally telling a lie, but, not saying anything about how you feel, is a FORM of telling a lie. At least have the courage to say something, ANYTHING, even if it IS a verbal lie.

Lies told in relationships... to end them

10. "I need to focus on me."

People who think they want to be single again, give this line, then, when they see how miserable single life really is, they've suddenly "made the focus back on their ex"

9. "I am not ready for something serious."

The fear of not being hurt, runs their life. They are emotionally immature, and need to learn that opening up is OK.

8. "There is no one else."

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. Own up to it!

7. "I know i will regret this."

If you were going to regret it, you wouldn't do it. We should be regretting the things we don't do, rather than the things we do, do.

6. "Our lives are moving in different directions."

Unless you've decided you're not going to marry, or have kids, and your partner wants one and or the other, then this is just an excuse to say "I don't want to work on this type of relationship".

5. "I don't want to hurt you."

This is saying that they think you will hurt them, so, before they do it to you, they get out before it can happen.

Lies told in relationships... to end them

4. "Who ever winds up with you, is so lucky."

If they're "so lucky", why are you letting them go in the first place. This is just another excuse to get out before you yourself get hurt.

3. "It's not the right time."

Some people get married and have kids late in life, while other have them young. Point is, there's always a right time..why put a "time" on love?

2. "I like you too much."

If you liked them so much, why are you letting them go? It's simply illogical.

1. "It's not you, it's me."

To avoid insulting you, they're taking the blame, when really, there's something wrong with you. People who want to be with you, won't care about your flaws.

Lies told in relationships... to end them
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