Revenge on my ex! How I put my lying cheating ex in her place.

Revenge on my ex! How I put my lying cheating ex in her place.

I first met my ex about 7 years ago, she was 26, pretty, slim, short with short red hair and a nice big pair of tits. We started up hot and heavy and seemed to be a good prospect for something more serious long term as she seemed to tick all the right boxes such as she came from a good home, had a job, had a car and gave the appearance of being a person who could cook and clean.

Revenge on my ex! How I put my lying cheating ex in her place.

We had some great times together and when she got pregnant accidentally after only two years of dating though it was too soon we managed and grew stronger together. She was a great partner for about two years up until the child started crawling then she started neglecting our son more and more. Stuff like leaving him to sit in his wet nappy all day until it exploded, not cleaning the house (like not even after herself), spending all her money, running up massive debts and basically sitting all day playing on her phone and watching tv while our child got up to all sorts all of which put a massive burden on me because I had to them take on longer hours to support us and then come home to feed, bath, put his excesma cream on(which she never did)and get our son ready for bed while trying to get some dinner and a shower to get to bed because I had an early start in the mornings, of course it never worked out for me because she would let the child sleep all day so she could have peace to sit on her arse meaning the child would not sleep at night and because she would hand him a big bag of chocolate buttons too hed be bouncing all night, I would go to bed before her and she would follow with the child, of course the child wouldn't sleep but she would just shout at the child like a mentaler and roll over and go to sleep leaving me to settle the child at maybe 12 or even though she knew I had to get up a She did work but always choose little part-time jobs that there was no money in, never anything that was too difficult or that required hard work, she just dumped the child on my mother who was eager to help us. Eventually my health started suffering, I put on some weight and was tired all the time.

In February last year what I thought was unthinkable happened, I lifted the tablet in the kitchen and found she had left Facebook messenger open and she was sexting another guy. I felt sick inside and my blood began to boil, I went upstairs to confront her only to find her on the phone to him, I snatched it off her and she tried to play it off as innocent. I left and stayed at my parents. She worked on me for a few days professing that she loved me and she was only sexting and that she would stop. She lied, anyway I caught her at it again right in front of me and refused to stop. Out of badness I called her father about some euros we had lent and never got back (he did give back but she blew it out her arse) and mentioned bluntly that she was sexting other men right in front of me, she continued on acting like there would be no consequences and that she could treat me how she liked. I called by her father's house for the money, collected my three hundred pounds and told her shocked parents the story. I stayed at my parents and blocked her calls, a week later she calls my parents phone in hysterics and I go out to our place to see if the child is ok. She had just been out to her parents and they'd laid down the hammer on her hard. She guilted me into coming back for the child professing that she loved me and that she made a mistake and would never cheat. Well I went back and things were fine for a while but then every so often I'd get suspicious, unregistered calls on her phones, her messages would be deleted. My mother had mentioned her coming back late every evening to pick up the child with doubtful excuses. My father even saw her driving past up the town after work and when she came to pick up the child he asked where she had been and she lied directly to his face.

When she started working in a local bar every Saturday that's when I slowly started to realise she was cheating, she would be coming home long after her shift ended with bogus excuses such as leaving friends home or going to a party etc .

We broke up again and she convinced me that everything would be different and to come to her sister's wedding, I went, got a suit, brought the child, paid for our room and then she just ignored me the whole wedding. Our relationship stuttered along for a few months more and coming up to her brothers wedding she stayed out all night after the bar even though she knew I had arranged to swap shifts with a colleague's shift so I could get the Friday of the wedding off. Of course I couldn't do it because there was no one to mind the child so I then had to work the Friday.

I decided to leave her a few days before the wedding after in a conversation with her about a conversation she had had with her sister and cousin about a cousin who had cheated and abandoned her child she had said "I may have cheated on my 1st ex but I never abandoned a child". That's when it dawned on me that she has likely been cheating on me because I never knew that and she always said she had never cheated on her ex. Anyway I rented a van and lifted my stuff from our home and moved out.

We chatted a bit after that even had sex a few times. One Saturday I was out and was drinking in the bar where she worked and chatted a bit, she said that she would give me a lift home so I went out the back and waited by her car and she never came out. I drove past the car park at 9.00am and her car was still there, so I went to pick the child up from her parents and came back to the carpark and what did I find? The other guy she had been sexting 10 months ago giving her car a jumper start. I pulled up, got out of my car and asked her who the guy was and she said it was just "darragh" trying to play it off as if it was all innocent, I went off him and had ran. I pulled his jump leads off her car and told him to get in his car and fuck off. So I jump started her car.

Anyway the following Friday before Christmas I get a call from her telling me she had claymidia, so I went ballistic demanding she tell me from who and she said it was one time from one guy she went home with one night. I wasn't happy, I told her if she didn't tell me I'd start asking everyone she knew until I got an answer but she still wouldn't reveal the truth so I messaged her sister and sent her a picture of the message and she revealed a name, then I said I didn't believe her and she revealed another( neither of them Darragh) so I kept going threatening to post it on Facebook with these guys names and pictures and a message to her mother sending a screenshots of what I was going to send and that's when she cracked. I came by after work& voting to check on my child and her parents were there cleaning the house and she was sitting in a chair looking like a basket case. I put the child to sleep and spoke to her parents for a bit and told them everything I knew. Seemingly there was 3 guys at her and 7 overall sniffing around her on social media and the dirty skank never made them wear a condom once and was jumping into bed with me probably not even showering.

Her family rallied around her and supported her over Christmas and she worked in the bar a few days during that time though her family had been pressuring her to quit and I minded the child. One Saturday morning while driving past Darragh's house I noticed her car in his drive, enraged I pulled up and battered on his door until she came out, i loudly called her a slut and whore and the claymidia out so the neighbourhood could hear, she tried to say that she had slept on the sofa which was clearly a lie(she later tried to say she never stayed the night at all). That was fine I came passing by again after taking the child on a big day out and she was still there so I laid on the horn until she came out in her work uniform and gave her another mouthful. She later tried to deny she was or had ever been sleeping with him but it's just another lie. I wanted her to know that I saw what she was doing and that whole town did, making a huge scene.

Seems for the last year she has been stringing me along while screwing Darragh behind my back hoping something solid would develop and she could break up with me and move on with him and no one would ever know she had been cheating on me, even after she had been caught out cheating she was trying to protect the relationship with Darragh so it wouldn't appear tainted anyway my opinion is that he's just going to use her for sex and string her a long, which she deserves.

The biggest thing in the break up is really the child. One Friday when I was picking up the child we were reconciling and figuring out how to best look after the child and we even had a nice meal out. She gave the child her phone (I've told her so many times to stop as it makes him angry and frustrated him) to watch kids shows on YouTube, so he he locks the screen accidentally and throws the phone( which he always ends up doing) well she rushes over to him and starts battering him around the head and starts kicking him, I pull him off and she still goes for him, I sit her down and while comforting the child she hits him again. I was shocked, I settle them both down. I spend the weekend trying to talk her into going to the doctor and she promises she will call them on Monday. This plays on my mind and I put him to sleep in her place on Sunday night when I bring him back. I get no sleep on Sunday night with worry. I spend a large portion of Monday morning trying to talk her into calling the doctor, but it's clear she's not and still is minimizing and trivialising what she did as not a big deal. Then I remember a conversation I had with my mother a few months ago and she bluntly said that she thought the child's mother was beating the child, I dismissed it as I thought she'd never do that but was horrified at the reality that she had been doing this likely for a while and that someday she hurt him seriously. I called the social workers, they came out to her, saw the state of the house, she admitted what she did and I took the child that night. She did get the child back during the week but isn't allowed to be alone unsupervised, meaning her sister or mother is now always there with her, she's now back living with her parents. She is now being sweet to me in case I do something else to her, she still feels like the victim which is not helped by her father who blames me for her cheating and shitty behaviour. She and her family tried to give me a load of cliches about why the relationship failed but I shut them down and up with the truth every time.

It's still ongoing and she's still sneaking around with that Darragh guy trying to keep it quiet so her family doesn't find out, she's promised to keep the dirt bag away from out child but I suspect that's a lie as she didn't before and the child recognises his car. she's now free to do what she wants though she seems to be under the impression I'd take her back if she asked and if things dont work out with Darragh. I mean a woman with her reputation and history of cheating you pump and dump you dont get serious with.

I'm just going to look after and protect my son. I still bear a grudge to her and this Darragh and will continue to shit on them both anyway I can while maintaining some dignity. she's already started telling lies about me and what happened between us like I was useless and did nothing around the home so she had to get rid of me but I've already had some female friends put the truth out there and everyone knows, meanwhile when asked about it I just say it didn't work out and we grew apart this maintaining my dignity in public. She broke my heart, hurt my son, hurt my family, shamed me and her son all over town so I will get her and him in the long grass, my thriving and life will hit her harder than I ever could.


For being a shitty mother, for being a shitty partner and for being a shitty person she has been put in her place and I will continue to put her in her place as long as she continues to be shitty.

Revenge on my ex! How I put my lying cheating ex in her place.
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