How should I break up with my abusive boyfriend?

I've been dating my boyfriend for one year.
He's the longest relationship I've ever had & the only person I've actually only dated besides dating someone in the past that was overly controlling and manipulative, I ended the relationship.

My current boyfriend is very rude.
he's constently on the computer watching netflix, playing video games & his best friend is over every day from 8am - 1am!
I love video games, but my life is becoming very repetitive and boring because he is lazy & he admits it.

I've became very depressed and loosing interest in life, I've also gained weight.

When I first met my boyfriend he was the sweetest guy I've ever met & now he's the rudest guy I've ever met.

He yells at me anytime I ask a simple question about anything.

He yells at me if I'm trying to give him affection when he's busy playing video games (which is all day.)

We rarely have sex & once he said "you would open your legs to anyone! you are only using me for sex, fucking whore." after planning a romantic night for us.

He calls me stupid, idiot & retard whenever I tell him that I'm afraid he will hurt me someday.

He calls me a bitch everytime he's mad at me.

I've tried leaving & he says "please don't leave me, lets work on our relationship, I love you very much. etc ."

I want to break up with my current boyfriend.. but I feel trapped.

I could care less about him keeping my furniture, TV's, etc .

I don't want to leave behind my cats.
My mother wouldn't allow me to bring cats into her home.

I want to move back with my mother, because I was happier.

I don't want to move back because I'm 22 years old and I would feel childish. :(

My boyfriend is 21.

I am afraid.. He swings at me, punches doors, throws things. :(

He's punched the bed right next to my face while laying down and it scared me very much.

He's only a nice guy when we have extra money or my birthday.

Please help.
He's abusive
Dump him!
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+1 y
Hey everyone! I am still living with my boyfriend, I am getting the courage to leave him an let go of my cats, the only reason why i haven't left yet is because my mother moved in with my grandparents for a few months and the house is full, I got a new job working at a daycare and I am hoping to move out on my own soon without him, and take my cats with me. He is only getting worse and is pushing and slapping me everywhere but my face, I am gaining courage!
+1 y
I've told my mother but she is never in healthy relationships herself so she doesn't see it as a huge cousin like I have , I feel like there is no support, my cousin is helping me through it, your answers really helped me.
How should I break up with my abusive boyfriend?
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