What to do when husband says he wants a divorce and emotionally checks out?

10 years together. He claims my harassing and questioning pisses him off and he’s had enough. I don’t harass I try and communicate and he doesn’t. He’s always just cursing at me or neglecting me emotionally. Anyways he left 2 months ago and moved out and started going to the clubs and wanted divorce. He didn’t file those 2 months and after I hit my lowest point and begged he decided to come back and try again

When he came back I told him we had to talk about everything. He says he didn’t wanna talk and just wanted to go on like nothing happened and try to start liking me again. Because he said he didn’t love of like me anymore. Then yesterday he told me he unlikes me more and more everyday and already checked out and tried but couldn’t make the marriage work. Did he do counseling and activiely try? NO. We argued 2 days ago because I asked him why I felt like his phone was a secret now and he responded with shut up bitch. I know he has the potential to be so kind and sweet but he isn’t to me anymore.

I love him more than anything and the thought of divorce breaks my heart. Our son is only 1.5. I feel like some other women is going to get the dream that I always wanted. He’s going to spoil her and do everything he doesn’t do to me. It sounds pathetic but i am in tears alll day and night.

What to do when husband says he wants a divorce and emotionally checks out?
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